When I was pregnant with lil’ Ms. JG, I somewhat had a delicate pregnancy. My amniotic fluid was low and my body wasn’t absorbing enough nutrients for me and my baby. So my OB recommended me to take açai daily for almost my entire pregnancy. She said it’s a super food that has vitamins which provide nutrients my body can absorb.
True enough, I reached full term and gave birth to a bouncing baby girl, known here on my blog as lil’ Ms. JG. I believe my taking of açai shots daily during my pregnancy has greatly helped me. Five years later and I rekindle my love for it when I attended the press launch of Organique Açai Premium Blend.
The timing couldn’t be more prefect because I was really looking into taking supplements that can help me with my health and wellness journey.
A shot of Organique Acai Premium Blend (about 30-60 ml) is the recommended daily dose, depending on the health conditions of a person. According to Cathy Salimbangon, Vice-President of Marketing of Organique Inc. says that if you’re down with something, you can double or triple the dose because you need more nutrients when you’re sick. It is best taken with an empty stomach – pure, with water, with ice or added to your smoothie.
Açai (pronounced ah-sah-ee) is the tallest palm tree in the Amazon jungle, growing up to 80 feet. Its small, dark purple berries have been a staple in the diet of the indigenous people of Brazil for centuries. Touted by many as the king of super foods, the acai berry is rich in antioxidants which combats cell damage. Acai is a form of antioxidant that helps repair cells that are being attacked by free radicals from pollutants around us. Acai berries also contain omega oils which is necessary for the proper function of the brain and cardiovascular system. It has basic vitamins and minerals that our body needs aside from being high in dietary fiber.
Cathy, a regsitered nurse worked in Geriatrics in the United States and Canada for several years. She saw how lifestyle impacted one’s body. This was what prompted her and husband Elton, who worked in the nutraceuticals industry, to launch Organique Acai Premium Blend in 2009.
TV host and wellness icon Cory Quirino, who has been aware of the health benefits of acai berry long before it hit Philippine shores was more than happy to advocate Organique Acai Premium Blend . “Organique Acai Premium Blend keeps me feeling good and looking good,” while showing her senior citizen ID to everyone who attended the launch. OMG, peg na peg ko siya when I turn 60! While dancer and fitness enthusiast Regine Tolentino was as quick to testify, “Organique Acai Premium Blend helps maintain my energy level throughout the day, even with back to back Zumba classes.”
So here are 39 reasons why you should drink Organique Acai Premium Blend.
1. Helps build a strong body by providing protein – Açai has more proteins than an average egg. Proteins are the primary components of some hormones and body tissues, including muscles and organs. Proteins also make up the outer layers of hair, nail and skin.
2. Cleanses and detoxifies the body – Açai has been used for centuries to cleanse the body of contaminants.
3. Enhances muscle contractions and muscle regeneration – Açai’s mix of essential amino acids and trace minerals are vital for strength and recovery after strenuous activities.
4. Increases energy and enhances stamina. – Açai’s nutrients and large amount of natural lipids provide needed energy to engage in competitive sports and tackle daily chores.
5. Stress relief- the Açai berry can help regulate stress levels and repair the body.
6. Improves sexual health – Açai’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can counter infertility due to stress, pollution and factors related to free radicals.
7. Aids body synergy – Acai’s immune-system-strengthening qualities help protect the entire body.
8. A potent anti-aging food – the regenerative nutrients and strong antioxidants in Açai keep cells operating optimally and may slow aging.
9. May help prevent prostate enlargement – the antioxidant punch of Açai may be a powerful weapon in the fight against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as enlarged prostate.
10. Helps prevent osteoporosis in women – Açai has a significant amount of Calcium, which helps strengthen the bones, prevent fractures and can help prevent osteoporosis.
11. Ease menstrual cycles – Women who experience extreme menstrual pain can also benefit from Açai juice. Calcium-rich foods help coate the lining of the stomach and uterus and help reduce the pain from cramps and bloating.
12. May help prevent causes of heart diseases – the berry contains the antioxidant, polyphenols, a principal source of heart protection. One anthocyanin, cyaniding-2-glucoside, may improve the production of nitric oxide (NO) in endothelial cells. It does not allow vessel walls to relax and expand, resulting in less stress on the heart, decreased risk of vessel blockage and an increased blood flow.
13. Reduces bad cholesterol – in addition to its high antioxidant content, Açai is rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs). A large body of research indicates that EFAs help reduce harmful LDL cholesterol while supporting levels of the beneficial HDL cholesterol, which can lead to better blood circulation.
14. Sterols may lower blood pressure (BP) – sterols are components of plant cell membranes providing numerous benefits to the human body. Sterols are currently being used to treat symptoms associated with BP.
15. Protects blood vessels – the anthocyanins in Açai protect small and large blood vessels, including veins, arteries and capillaries.
16. Help thwart retinopathy – in diabetes, weak capillaries can lead to a condition called retinopathy, which often leads to blindness. Açai helps protect capillaries.
17. Improves glucose and lipid levels – Açai’s lower glycemic index improves glucose and lipid level in diabetics.
18. Weight control – Açai’s low glycemic index also helps control appetite and delay hunger, which can help individuals trying to lose weight.
19. Acai can improve resistance to diseases – by boosting the immune system, Açai’s rich nutrient profile helps boost the body’s natural defenses.
20. Improved function of immune cells – recent findings published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine indicate that Açai’s beta-sitosterol prevents immune suppression and modulates the lymphocyte activity.
21. Prevents free-radical damage to the immune system – free radical damage (or oxidation) is one of the primary causes of immune weakness or dysfunction.
22. Can thwart viruses, bacterial infections and funguses – Açai can reduce the frequency of infectious diseases.
23. Acts as an antimutagenic – Açai’s antioxidant properties help prevent damage to DNA, which lowers the risk posed by carcinogens and mutagens.
24. Improved digestion – Açai’s dietary fiber helps promote the health of the digestive tract, including colon.
25. Overcomes acid-reflux diseases (GERD) – The broad array of antioxidants in Açai may help protect and repair the lower esophagus damaged by GERD, and its acid-suppression effects reduce the acidity of stomach contents when reflux does occur.
26. Heals ulcers – the antibacterial properties of Açai’s kills bad bacteria, fungi and parasites, including H. pylori, the ulcer-causing bacteria.
27. Helps relieves symptoms of Crohn’s disease – Açai’s anti-inflammatory abilities may prevent the malabsorption of vital nutrients by preventing damage to the wall of the small intestine.
28. Improves skin tone – Açai’s phytosterols helps reduce the erosion of the skin’s protective coating.
29. Defends against premature wrinkles – because it is so high in anthocyanins and phytosterols, Açai helps protect connective tissues, including collagen.
30. May thwart cancer – the antioxidant protection of Açai may lower cancer risk for several types, including breast, lung, skin and stomach cancers, by neutralizing free radicals before they can damage cells.
32. Reduces arthritis pain – anti-inflammatory properties of Açai may offer relief of arthritis suffers.
33. Relieves symptoms of asthma – Açai’s vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties found to improve symptoms of asthma.
34. May reduce risk for Alzheimer’s disease – t 2004 study from the Archives of Neurology found a reduced risk or Alzheimer’s desease with increased amounts of vitamin C and E found in Açai.
35. Aids vision – the beta carotene and C in Açai promote eye health, including reducing the complications of macular degeneration in diabetics.
36. Helps maintain health teeth and gums – the calcium in Açai may mean a whiter smile and stronger teeth, as well as the prevention of gingivitis and other gum diseases.
37. Improves mental clarity – Açai’s omega-3 fats are crucial for proper mental function and alertness.
38. Better sleep – the vitamin B and other nutrients in Açai reduce stress and help brain cells communicate by assisting with the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.
39. Promotes overall wellness.
Now if these reasons don’t convince you enough, I don’t know what will. Natural, safe and effective is what Organique Acai Premium Blend is and you don’t want to go any other way when it comes to supplements for your body. I am currently on my second week taking t Organique Acai Premium Blend and I feel I’m better and my bowel movement more regular than ever (sorry for the TMI but this is what I notice the most) which in return, has helped me have a more flat abdomen. I guess I might continue drinking Organique Acai Premium Blend.
Organique Acai Premium Blend sells for P2,500 a bottle and is available at Mercury Drug, Pure Pharmacy, Robinsons Supermarket, South Star Drug and Watsons. It is also distributed in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, and the Middle East.
Ohh this is what we were talking about pala! thanks for sharing. I am going to try this
Hi Maggie!
Yes this is it!
So nice meeting you yesterday. 
im taking this as my daily food supplement .2014 i was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2.I started taking Acai as recommended by my Sister-in-law specially during my Chemo treatment period.It helps me combat the side effect of Chemo treatment. In GOD’s holy will i was able to survived the rocky road of this big C. Acai helped me in my journeyed of this terrible disease.Until now im making this as my daily healthy regimen to a cancer-free life coupled with my complete trust to GOD’S healing power. THANKS Acai for journeying with me in my fight against cancer.
Hi Melinda! Good to know it has worked for you as well. Glad you survived your fight with the big C.
Hi mam my husband and i try acai berry for the first time.but reading the instruction on how many ml you should take was not stated in the bottle..can we ask if how may ml are we going to take? After taking should we drink 1 glass of water?
Hi Zuillen! I take a shot of Acai Berry which is about 30-60ml. I don’t drink water after taking it but I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t. Hope this helps!
HI mam I am experiencing premature ventricular contractions (PVC) and my blood pressures rises due to my heart palpitations. my doctor advice me to take atenolol tab, felodipine tab. Is it ok to take it simultaneously acai berry juice together these synthetic meds. Thanks and more power.
Hi! Best to consult your doctor if it’s okay to take Organique.
Hi good day, may PCOS po ako, pwede ko po ba ito inumin as supplement?
Hi Vicki! I don’t see why you cannot take this but again, it’s best to consult your doctor about it.
hi good day.. just want to ask if acai berry can flush out or dissolve kidney stones?
Hi John, best to consult your physician about it. I am not affiliated with Organique Acai as I just tried their product for review & I am not a qualified professional to answer your question.
hi!! I just to ask is Organique Acai also good to those who are anemic?
Hi Ann! Not sure if it can help anaemia but since it’s all-natural I don’t see why not? Still, it’s best to consult your doctor
Hi Ms. Jackie! Ask ko lng po, kung gano katagal maubos ang isang 946ml? And kung panu po pagtake nya, tuwing bago po ba kumaen or after kumaen or should I say how many times a day should i drink a shot of it? I’ll wait for the reply, thanks!
Hi Marvin!
Depends how often you drink it. For me a big bottle lasts for mga 2-3 weeks since there are some days I have more than one shot. I usually drink a shot in the morning in between breakfast but I think you can drink it naman anytime you want. Best to inquire through Organique’s Facebook page as they’re more knowledgable on this.
acai may nagsasabi na meron daw itong side effects ask ko lng may toto bah
Hi! I drink a glass of lemon juice with turmeric tea right after getting up from bed in the morning. When can I take Organique Acai, after my lemon water or before my lemon water or before I go to sleep at night? Thanks!
Hi! I drink a glass of lemon juice with turmeric tea right after getting up from bed in the morning. When can I take Organique Acai, after my lemon water or before my lemon water or before I go to sleep at night? Thanks!
Hi! My mother has been using Acai Berry for years and shes actually feeling well. But price is quite expensive so she’s thinking to use Acai Berry capsule. Her concern is if it’s still effective as the juice? Or just the same. Thank you.
Hi may lymphnode po ako at thyroid ok lng b magtake nitong acaiberry?
Best to consult a doctor.
ms jackie, ask ko lng base on your experience…pag take nyo ng organique acai premium blend ung dumi poop nyo medyo violet na medyo green? tas parang iba ung baho at ung fart nman medyo maasim ung amoy?
Hi Ronald, nope I haven’t experienced those. Best to consult a doctor to validate your concerns.