First post for 2020 and I have a lot of ideas/topics I wanna get started on. Initially I wanted to do a quick recap of my holiday shenanigans as well as our Japan trip on new year but I think that can wait for a few more days. So I decided to just write what’s on my head and hopefully it’ll be the start of finding my groove back after the Christmas break. While it’s easy to get stuck in festive mode, it’s always nice to know you can ease your way back to normalcy anytime you want to.
I find it fitting that in order for me to ease my way back to my homemaker slash mom slash blogger life, I have to pause and reset. So I sorta took a break on social media for a week. It wasn’t easy because being online is a huge part of my daily life. I am mostly on my phone checking emails, using apps that make my life easier, and even finishing errands. Of course this includes social media. I read the news online and on average, I spend 1 1/2 hours on Instagram (I know, it’s my indulgence ?). So giving this up for a week was challenging but I’m glad I was able to do it. My screen time that week was 80% lower than my usual and that’s an achievement na for me.
The past few months I’ve been extra anxious even about the little things. I can’t remember how it started but I know being overwhelmed with the things I need to do was the main reason why I’ve been feeling this way. Ironically, I’ve started simplifying my life last year. I was, for lack of better term choosy hahaha. I limit the projects I want to pursue, the brands I want to work with and I even rarely attend press events all because I wanna manage my time wisely. Still, there were days I felt very anxious. I guess aside from eliminating stressors, hormonal imbalance is to blame for it. Me having PCOS & leaky gut added to the anxiety as I felt it was magnified last year when I didn’t give my 100% in treating it. ?
So the past week as I was off to take care of business somewhere, I took time to asses my goals and what I want to do this year.
Goals. Aaah the word most of us throw around during this time of the year. With all that’s happening in the world now, my goals have somewhat been humdrum compared to when I was young and idealistic. Does this make sense? When you see the bigger picture and you’re not getting any younger, your goals change. And so is your mindset. So what is my goal this year? Nothing specific other than to go back to what I like doing and to have the capacity to cease feeling pressured in an industry that prompts every one to produce content, content, and more content.
Took some time to talk to myself and as weird as it sounds, it has immensely calmed my mind. I now have a better understanding of my goals– to be more equipped to handle the delicate balance of all the roles I play. To be able to stand by my decisions and to be able to make decision not based on fear (like FOMO) nor pressure. To be able to stay true to live the life I want to live.

Lunar New Year happening this week and I am excited because I’m entering the new year with more clarity & content all because I was able to take some time out to reset.
What’s your goals this year?
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