I love attending seminars, talks and anything that involves sharing ideas and participating in enriching activities. It makes me feel alive and it gives my mind the stimulation it needs. So when I got invited by New Beginnings for their first progressive parenting talk, I immediately said yes.
New Beginnings Community is a group of progressive mothers who view pregnancy in a whole new light. NBC offers a progressive environment where they can grow with fellow mums and discover unlimited ways on how they can maximize their maternal experience with practical information and the latest trends on pregnancy and motherhood. This community embraces all mothers, and provides them with guidance and support throughout their pregnancy.
Life Coach Pia Nazareno-Acevedo of One Core facilitated the talk. The talk focused on how to raise little heroes (meaning our kids) and the basic factors in doing so.
What is progressive parenting?
– It is when there is openness and willingness of parents to try new things in raising their kids.
– It is being part of a community. Whether in your neighborhood, your child’s school or with friends and family who also have children.
– It is a parenting style that does not involve saying the word “NO”.
– It is where emotional relationship is considered an integral part of raising a child. The expression of needs & wants is very evident.
There were two main ideas that I learned that day. First is about emotional energy and what role it plays in loving a child.
I strongly believe that whatever energy one has can be radiated to his/her surroundings as well as to the people around him/her. Of course it would be best if you radiate and harness good happy energy rather than the opposite. But how does one know or channel good energy?
Create an emotional energy map by listing down the life giving (what makes you happy & what gives you a positive outlook in life?) and the life draining (what makes you feel tired and down?) aspects of your life (self, family, sense of purpose, academics/work, and social life). Once you do, you’ll be more aware of your energy and what you’re giving out to your family. I have also learned to express my needs and wants because it is very important that my husband knows what they are. Surely, he is like many husbands who aren’t as keen to know what’s going on in their wives’ minds, so give your partner the chance to know what’s going on and what you need and want.
Positive energy can be transferred efficiently if you’ve mapped your emotional energy, knowing where this energy comes from can help you harness it even more for you & your family to share.
Also don’t be afraid to ask your family for support and on how you can support them as well. It helps if there’s openness and awareness in the family, it makes things easier and less complicated.
How to know if your energy is going up:
-When you’re enthusiastic and happy about parenting.
– When you are responding and actively participating. Apathy is not part of your vocabulary.
– When there’s no signs of depression.
– When you engage in people rather than retrieve from them.

Coach Pia starting the talk.
Second is quality vs. quantity time with your kids.
Just because I’m a SAHM mom doesn’t mean I get to spend quality time with Gabbie. I admit in most days, I am a headless chicken juggling managing the household, doing errands and writing for my blog and there’s little playtime for me and Gabbie. At first I was in denial of this because I feel like I’ve always been there for her whenever she needs anything I immediately listen and respond to her call but then after attending this talk did I realize it’s true. So what I did was allot time for her usually when she wakes up in the morning. I make sure I attend to her needs first and that she has my undivided attention. I answer emails, write posts, basically go online after our morning routine. That way, she feels important, loved and cared for. I also make sure I involve Gabbie in what I do, she loves doing the grocery with me, folding the clothes after every laundry and even on small things such as closing and opening doors. I have yet to know how to divide my time in terms of taking care of two kids when I give birth next month, I know it won’t be easy and it’s definitely something new for me so I’m preparing myself as early as now.
How to spend quality time with your kid/s.
-Plan ahead. Schedule your day as to what you need to do and of how important it is. Of course, it would be better if family comes first.
– Organize your ‘Must Do’s’. Prioritize what you need to do so you can make time with your kids.
-Empathize with your kids. Be involve in your kids’ activities and vice versa.

Coach Pia joins our table as we share & discuss our concerns & thoughts as parents.
It was a very informative talk. I really learned a lot and a few hours isn’t really enough to tackle even a quarter of parenting topics we wanted to discuss. But the focus of the talk was about raising little heroes, I’ve come to understand that in order to do so the parents must be the instrument to channel positive, good energies that they will pass on to their kids and will radiate within their home. I’ve also learned that it takes commitment and involvement in spending quality time with your child. It is not enough that you’re physically there, you have to be emotionally there for them as well.
*photos c/o Lawrence Del Mundo*
Sharing with you all some of the sources from the talk.
Emotional Energy
Quality versus Quantity of Time
Parenting the Eldest, Middle, youngest and Only Child
Sibling Rivalry
Parent’s Common Pitfalls
(left to right) Chari of Your Brand Story, Jacqueline and Jiggs of Friesland Campina, Coach Pia Nazareno-Acevedo of One Core, Anne of Green Eggs and Moms, me, Tiffany of Breakfast with Tiffany, Tin of Manila Fashion Observer, Cheska of Young.Mom.Love, Kris of OC Mom in Manila, Rone of Mothering Earthilings, Belle of Crusin’ Mommyhood, June, Tanya and Rainbow of Friesland Campina.
Thank you again New Beginnings for a very insightful and meaningful event. I am super looking forward to your other events as I am very much excited to share my own experiences with other progressive parents.
Like New Beginnings on Facebook.
Ending this post with an inspirational poster!
Happy Friday the 13th and Happy weekend! 🙂
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[…] between you and your kids. As I’ve mentioned on my previous posts about progressive parenting here, here and here, it all starts with the attitude and energy the parents exude in order to to make the […]