The choice between Lady’s Choice #ChickenorBeef can be pretty hard because both of them make any sandwich or snack more flavorful. But if it were up to my grade schooler lil’ Ms. JG, Chicken BBQ spread wins!
When she asked if she can eat my Chicken Burger TLC (from Diet Diva), I was surprised because she’s not really a fan of burgers. She’s a typical kid who dislikes trying new dishes all because she’s uncertain if she’ll like it or not. But because she’s a bread monster like I am (that sesame covered bun was too irresistible for her heehee) she was willing to try it.
When she asked if she can add a generous serving of Lady’s Choice Chicken BBQ spread, it then confirmed that she’s #TeamChicken. It’s no surprise that she likes Lady’s Choice ‘coz she had requested for it as her school snack but this is the first time she actually enjoyed burger with greens!
So now I have another baon idea. I’m definitely making her a TLC sandwich using Lady’s Choice Chicken BBQ spread–adding this to my limited list of snacks for school. 😉
So which team are you?#ChickenorBeef ?
Lady’s Choice Chicken BBQ & Roast Beef spreads are available at leading supermarkets nationwide.
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