Weekends. They are the best days of the week no doubt about that. Weekends for the GJG family would mean attending events of family or friends, running errands around the metro (such as dental and doctor visits) and of course malling. When there are weekends that have no schedules, we would opt to stay at home and just relax. Wake up late in the morning, cook and eat brunch together, sleep the whole afternoon, watch a DVD come night and just cuddle- this is our Steady Saturday.
Aside from having a Steady Saturday we also do Sweeping Sunday. It may be hard to believe but the GJG family bond over cleaning too, because we’re busy the entire week with school, homemaking, motherhood and of course blogging. We really make it appoint to allot one weekend to sweep the entire house if possible.
You see, these are the reasons why I love spending weekends at home. I can be both productive and lazy at the same time (or whichever I choose) and still be with my family. Lil’ Ms. GJG loves to help her dad and I with our weekend chores, it has become our way of bonding while being productive at the same time. But the truth is, doing these activities doesn’t guarantee us of a quiet day. It may be relaxing, as cooking and preparing food for my family is my stress buster while cleaning is Mr. GJG’s.
The noise our home appliances emit is enough to make lil’ Ms. GJG anxious. So expect there’ll be no excitement on her part every time I use our blender that creates this roaring sound as if ax men were in my kitchen logging away, nor is she eager to take turns with her dad to vacuum our carpet. Every time we use these appliances she’d cover her ears in dismay and would eventually shout “stop na, no more na!” Poor baby girl, she has no choice but to hide in our room until we’re done.
Now if only we had these Electrolux gadgets at home, our Steady Saturdays will be celebrated with freshly blended smoothies and Sweeping Sundays will be cleaner and quieter. I bet she’d be an eager beaver and would gladly help me and her dad.
Electrolux Ultra Silencer Green. How sleek and gwapo looking you are! I wouldn’t mind spending Sundays cleaning with my family if you’re there to accompany me! Did I mention I’m partial to green and black? 😀
Electrolux Power Mix Blender. Oh I can do a lot of things with you. I can blend and puree lil’ Mr. GJG’s food as he can eat solids in a week’s time.
Sigh, these gadgets are just lovely! They’re perfect to match my Electrolux front load washing machine and dryer. They’re definitely part of my 2013 wish list.
There’s no doubt that the best thing about spending a quiet and relaxing weekend at home is being with my family. Enjoy the things we do or not do, have a clean house where we need not worry about our kids’ safety, and prepare and share a home cooked meal which always gives comfort to one’s heart.
Aaahh weekends. Who says weekends aren’t made for chores hasn’t found the right products to help them!
For more information about Electrolux Ultra Silencer Green and Power Mix Blender visit Electrolux Philippines Official Website and follow Electrolux Philippines Twitter.
I didn’t know that Electrolux already has blenders. Great tip!
Yes they have. Their product category has evolved over the years. Thanks Suze!