Hello, hello! Sorry I’ve been sort of in a blogging break. I haven’t blogged for two days because I was busy with work (I had a shoot for a television commercial) and I had to attend my uncle’s wake. On top of these, my darling lil’ Ms. GJG suffered LBM over the past few days so I had to attend to her first. Anyway, now that I’m back I’m happy to say that I’m holding a giveaway!
You know how we all love sales, discounts and bargains right? Purchasing and availing products and services for a steal have always been favorable especially to budget conscious people like you and me. With that I’d like you all to meet Enjoy. Enjoy Philippines is one of the country’s top VIP privilege programs, giving Filipinos more ways to enjoy 2013. The kit contains over P300,000 worth of deals from the country’s top establishments, making what you love doing more enjoyable.
As a kickoff for this year’s giveaway and also a good way to usher in the Year of The Snake, I’m giving away three 2013 Enjoy Kits to three lucky readers. You want? Go join! Simply follow the three easy steps to win one.
1. Like Go! Jackie Go and Enjoy Philippines on Facebook.
2. Post a photo of something you enjoy doing on Go! Jackie Go Facebook Wall. Remember you must be in the picture for your entry to qualify. Tell me a lil’ something about the photo you posted (ex. Here’s me rewarding myself for a weeklong full of deadlines that I decided to go shopping!)
3. Don’t forget to tag Go! Jackie Go and Enjoy Philippines when you post your photo so that we can see your entry. (Your Facebook profile must be set to public so that you can tag our fan pages and that we can see you entry).
For more chances of winning:
You can tweet your entry and mention me @jackiego, Share and Like this post on your Facebook Timeline, Instagram your photo and tag me @gojackiego and even blog about it!
One entry per person only.
This giveaway will start today and will end on February 6, 2013.
The three winners will be announced on Go! Jackie Go Facebook page on February 7, 2013.
Go na and join, the Enjoy Philippines VIP Kit with P300,000 worth of deals is waiting for you! 🙂
Happy Hump Day!
Khen Urian-Unilongo
Daphne Kimberly Uy
Jennifer Ragos Tan-Cua
Please email me your Full name, address (for shipping of your Enjoy Kits) and mobile/contact number. Thank you for joining! 🙂
wow ang cool nito mommy jackie, especially to moms..hihi
I joined! I just posted a photo in FB and tweeted about it!
I joined! Weee. *___*. I posted a photo on your FB Wall and tweeted about it! Thank you! *___*
Joined! Hoping to be one of the lucky winners right in time for the Valentine’s Day and could be an early birthday gift for me! 🙂
This has to be one of my favorite posts. for obvious reason ofcourse. I won! hehehe 🙂
Thru this Kit I was able to enjoy freebies, discounts and budget friendly out of town get away with the fabfam! Happiness indeed! 🙂
What I appreciate about this blog is how it emphasized the importance of family bonding and Me-time for mommies despite the busy sched from work and household. You are such an inspiring mom Jackie!
Happy Bloganniversary! God Bless!
Facebook profile username: Khen Urian-Unilongo
email address: [email protected]