Every once in a while, I initiate the ‘ask me a question’ post on my stories so my Instagram friends can get to know me a little bit more. More often than not, I get comments & questions like these:
It’s pretty amazing how social media and having an online presence can inspire and empower other people, particularly other women. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how active I can be. Literally going from doing housework early morning, to doing workout sets, to doing school pickups in between blogging. Some days it’s steady but most days it’s crazy busy that I run around like a headless chicken.
I know I’m not alone in this. There are days when work or family occupies most of our time that we end up feeling uninspired and unable to do what we want. Well let me tell you a secret: woman, you can do it all. You just need to figure out how. ?
I want my daughter to grow up knowing she can have it all, that she can have a family & build a career at the same time. She can basically do whatever she sets her mind into. So here I am sharing some nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way. Most of these I’ve learned from wise women who I’m fortunate enough to meet in this lifetime. I hope these can inspire you to become the person you were meant to be.
Identify what’s essential and eliminate the rest.
Gone are the days when we have to choose– is it career or is it family? We no longer have to feel inferior of the opposite sex nor do we have to be their shadow because in this day and age, we can be anything we want to be. Whatever path you take, whatever career you want to pursue, woman you can!
Whether you want to start a business while taking care of your family or focus on your career and then have a family, woman you can! Don’t ever think that time is not on your side because it is. Just remember: identify the essential, eliminate the rest.
I can’t say I’m great a juggling the roles I play but I make it work because I like what I’m doing–I like being a hands on mom to my kids, I like managing our home, I like blogging and sharing stories, I like working out and feeling stronger than I used to be. The things I do daily may seem overwhelming and yes sometimes can be tiring but it’s something I know I can do good which is why I’m still doing it. Woman, don’t ever think you can’t because I’m one of the thousands of women who can prove to you that you can.
Never let fear and self-doubt stop you from pursuing what you want.
Means & ways to get what you want may not be easy and you’ll definitely have challenges along the way but this is all part of the journey that only you will experience. Woman, it’s okay to be afraid but do it anyway.
Don’t look back, you’re not going there.
Once in a while it’s okay to look back at the past so that you know where you’re going. I believe there’s always a lesson to be learned from it so go ahead and use it as your guide. Woman, it’s okay to take a glimpse at the past but don’t stare for too long because that’s not where you’re headed.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt
One of my favorite quotes that I always remind myself whenever I feel like I’m not good enough. We all have our weakness and that’s okay because it’s part of what makes us human. But guess what, we each have our strengths too. Woman, you are strong, find your strength and use it to your advantage.
There is only one you and that is your super power.
It’s so easy to compare yourself to others. Social media can sometimes do that to us. But here’s the thing, you can’t compare because no two human beings are alike, even if they’re twins. ? You know what else is amazing? The fact that no one else is you, and this is your super power. Woman, you are amazing!
This Women’s Month, I encourage each and every one of you to be good to yourself. Do something for yourself because you deserve it. I personally treated myself to some shopping at The SM Store & I got myself the top, pants and hat I’m wearing in the photos on this post. I was also treated to a 10% off in celebration of Women’s Day. Isn’t this great?! Woman, head over to the nearest The SM Store because they’ve got a wide selection of items –clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, beauty products & so much more. They got it all for you!
Now don’t you just love being a woman? 🙂
Yes! It’s great to be a woman! Cheers!
Yes Meikah! <3
This is so inspiring. It’s great to be a woman. ?
Hi Sza! It is 🙂
I’m sorry I got here. I was looking for your best content and when I read it I was inspired. I hope you make an inspiring blog and I hope you reply to my comment.
Hi Jolyn, thanks for visiting my blog!