I’ve been writing a year end post for 7 years now. Looking back a lot has changed. Every year is different and each year, I grow. I learn and I move forward. Today’s Holy Eucharist the priest’s homily made me realize there’s more than being grateful and thankful.
To understand that whatever you’re about to go through the new year is as important as being grateful for the year that was and the year that will be. This is something I will carry with me in the new year.

Walking to 2020 like…

2019 challenged my health: physically, mentally and emotionally. When I learned I have PCOS back in October 2018 my body has never been the same. There were days I feel and look so bloated, there were days my face was covered in small bumps and acne. Emotionally I feel unstable. There were days I feel everything is all right but there are also equal days when I feel like everything is out of order. This year I had to fight my inner demons. And I know I needed to do something. So I focused on myself more. I workout regularly not to maintain a certain physique (my fitness goals before were all about physique or strength– like how many pull ups I can do, or how I can gain more booty muscles, etc.) but this year was about managing my hormones, PCOS symptoms and healing my gut. Still figuring out what works for me but I’m getting there.

I’m not gonna write a long a*$ essay like I used to do years passed, but instead I’ll share this quote I found on Pinterest because this is exactly what I’m going to do.
For a change, don’t add new things in your life as a new year’s resolution. Instead, do more of what’s already working for you and stop doing things that are time-waste.
Makes sense right? If you’ve got certain goals for the coming 2020 by all means, write them down, do things that can help you achieve them and just go for it. But don’t feel pressured to have a goal just because it’s the start of a new year or a new decade. Because you can start anytime. Even when you’re not ready and you haven’t figured it out just yet.

How I’m ushering the new decade. Lots of good energy with a heart filled with good intentions.
Thank you 2019 for all the learnings, the moments that I doubted myself and the times I felt lost because through these I realized that I needed all these to be ready to welcome 2020.
Happy New Year everyone! ❤️
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