Of all the people I know who incorporate fitness and living an active lifestyle, I never see myself as one. Growing up I was relatively active and never really had any health concerns (except I was asthmatic) that needed drastic treatment. I did try different sports all because these were requirement for Physical Education class. I also never did any diet nor restricted myself of what I should eat and what I should do because I didn’t feel the need. Ironically it was just 5 or 6 years ago when I started incorporating fitness in my life and it was all because of my family.
family. Ever since my firstborn started big school, I realized despite being thin, I wasn’t really healthy. I’d catch my breath the first few months of bringing my daughter to school and lack energy to survive a full day. This was a turning point for me because I was only in my mid 20s. So one day I just decided to go for it– to just start.

This reminded me of the video Enchong Dee. His story of how he started swimming, his relationship with his coach. And how swimming changed his life, lead him to a lot of opportunities and made him realize the effort & support his coach has given him. Aaaah support. I believe this is something everyone should have aside from motivation.

Motivation can definitely kickstart any of our goals but to sustain it we gotta have support. Support is what keep us going. I think this is the thing that most of us tend to forget whenever we start on something. We may have all the will power & motivation to start but in order to keep going no matter how challenging, we must have all the support we can get from our loved ones or from people that believe in us. Like Enchong, I too have my own support system–my family. My husband was very supportive from the day I told him I wanna be active–move and workout. When I wanted to a climb a mountain, he drove for me out of town. When I wanted to run 10 kilometers, he joined me even if he’s not fond of running. Whenever I feel stressed out, he’d suggest I go to they gym to break a sweat so I can have some endorphins kick in my system. It’s these moments when I truly appreciated the support he gives.

Regular gym visits, early morning workouts even on vacations and a couple of years later, here I am definitely stronger than when I started.
The process through the years wasn’t easy and there are moments when I question myself as to why am I putting myself in such challenging situations (I’m talking about new fitness activities I’ve never tried and eating healthy teehee). Whenever I feel this way I just try to remember my motivation and my support–my family: my husband and my kids.

Honestly, I still can’t believe its been half a decade since I became motivated to lead an active lifestyle. I couldn’t not have done it without my partner for life, my supporter, my husband. He along with our children is the reason why I’m motivated to stay fit and well.

Though shifting gears towards a healthy lifestyle can help you be fit and well, it’s not a guarantee, you’ll be safe from any illness life my give you. This is why it’s also important to consider getting a health & wellness plan. I discovered that SunLife has a SUN Fit and Well Plan. It offers a comprehensive life and health protection, giving comfort and peace of mind in times of distressed caused by a serious illness.

-Get special access and privileges to various wellness activities to help you stay fit and healthy.
-This plan covers you at a young age up until your senior years, providing finical benefits upon diagnosis of any of the 100+ critical conditions across minor and major stages.
-Special cancer booster benefit with additional cash equivalent to 50% of the Face Amount upon first diagnosis of any covered advanced-stage cancer.
-Life insurance protection guaranteed equivalent to the plan’s Face Amount until Age 100.
-Be rewarded with a Special Paid-Up Bonus at the end of the premium paying period, and annual dividend earnings thereafter, which may be withdrawn anytime or left with Sun Life to accumulate.
-Limited payment period. SUN Fit and Well can be paid in 10, 14, or 20 annual installments, and payments are fixed thought the paying period. There’s also option to pay semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly modes to make payments more affordable.

While it may be easy to stay active now that I’m in my thirties, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like when I’m older. My body won’t be as strong as it is now but I’m doing my best to keep it in its tip top shape. “It’s never too early to be prepared for the future”, as what my mom would always remind me. And this time, I truly understand what she meant by this. So investing in yourself through SUN Fit and Well is something you should consider especially if you want to be protected and covered for critical conditions and unwanted illnesses.
Know more about SUN Fit and Well Plan over athttp://bit.ly/PartnerforLifeSunFitandWell
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