The Philippines is known for a nation that smiles, but ironically, our country has the worst dental care, next to Brunei. Despite being a happy/ smiling nation, not every Filipino can confidently smile and the sad truth is, oral health care isn’t a priority for most of us.
Oral care is something that’s been a hot topic not only in my family but also to my friends. I’ve had my fair share of dental boo-boos with myself and my kids and since then, I promise to be more proactive when it comes to our oral health. I’ve gotten a few questions from friends as well as from my readers as to when should one bring his or her child to see a dentist, which I believe I’ve answer in one of these dental-related posts.
In most cases here in the Philippines, a visit to the dentist only happens when one is already suffering from a dental disease. Another sad truth is, 7 out 10 Filipinos have never even been to a dentist. source
In a recent study, 9 out of 10 Filipinos suffer from dental diseases – that’s about 92.4% of Filipinos suffering from tooth decay, and 78% having gum disease. Unfortunately, dental diseases affect almost every Filipino at one point or another in their lives. source
Unfortunately our confidence in smiling doesn’t equate to how we are when it comes to our oral health. This I can relate to on a personal level. For there were times when I feel like my teeth are not clean enough that I’d smile in front of the camera haphazardly without showing my teeth. Upon realizing this, I immediately scheduled a visit to my dentist.
Initially, I felt shy because I’m afraid I’d be judge by my dentist when it comes to my oral health. Surprisingly, despite not visiting as often as I should – the recommended dental visit should be at least every 6 months – my dentist happily reported that I didn’t developed any cavities over the course of x number of months of no-dental visits. Whew. She was actually curious as to how I managed to be cavity-free – perhaps because she can’t fathom the fact that I haven’t had my oral prophylaxis in over a year yet there were minimal plaque and stain to clean. I owe it all to my oral hygiene.
Truth be told, in order for our country’ state of oral health to improve, we should first address our individual oral health concerns. We can start off by choosing the right products that can help us achieve good oral hygiene. I personally find Oral B as my go-to oral care tools. Currently, I’m loving Oral B Pro-Health Cross Action toothbrush. It provides superior cleaning with its unique 16-degree angle brush to remove 99% plaque and help prevent oral health problems.
I like that it has soft bristles that don’t hurt my sensitive gums. It’s got Power Tip® bristles that can help clean hard to reach places – particularly my upper molar teeth. The CrissCross™ bristles are angled in opposing directions to life out and sweep away plaque. Another thing I like it its built in tongue cleaner that’s designed to help achieve fresh breath. Lastly, it’s got Indicator® bristles that fade halfway to let me know when I need to replace my brush.
Usually, dentist recommends changing one’s brush every 3 months. In my case, I need to change between a month to a month and half because I gravitate to wore out the bristles of my brush more than others. Heehee.
My Oral B oral care must-haves: Oral B Pro-Health Cross Action toothbrush and Oral B Superfloss.
There’s a huge difference between how we pride ourselves as a country that smiles versus our confidence to smile. The key to a confident smile is using the right toothbrush and for me, I’ve found my partner in helping me be confident to flash my smile with Oral B Pro-Health Cross Action toothbrush.
Now it’s time to be true to what we are truly known for – a nation of happy smiling Filipinos. So let’s make it happen and take the first step to oral care- use the right toothbrush so you can #SmilePilipinas. 😀
nice article and suggestions from you ms.jackie. true enough , pinoys go to the dentist if worse comes to worse , and its damn sad. politically speaking ,our candidates have failed to address poverty since going to a dentist requires quite a big deal of money ,quite big for a non daily salary man , or a jobless individual.
true Jackie but be careful if your toothbrush is destroyed after only 1 month you are applying too much pressure this is a common mistake with filipinos, you can remove the protective enamel from your teeth which can lead to serious probelms,
all the best dennis.
Hi Dennis! True, that’s my problem. I’ve been trying very hard to brush more gently. 🙂
The number one reason is lack of money.
Actually, it’s more of lack of oral he alt care education. I believe lack of money comes second.
The problem is corruption, not that lack of money actually, there is so plenty of money in our country but they do not use it in a proper way, in fact they pocketed for their on good, specially Budget from National Government given to the Department of Health…In short implementing people are very corrupt…
U have no idea how it is to live not knowing where ur next meal will come from… It’s a more of a problem with not having enough money for oral care. In the jungle we call life one worries first on what to put in their mouth rather than what they will use to clean it.
Hi Bree! Actually I do. There were years in my life when I was growing up that we have only enough for the day. I believe lack of money isn’t the problem of oral health care, it’s being educated about it and taking good care of one’s teeth, having good oral hygiene so that there’s no need to spend oral care.
Thank you! You should have your teeth checked if you’re always suffering from toothache, Josefina. 🙂
This is so untrue! Chinese has the worst dental problems! Duh?
Why can’t someone think of something productive blog rather than writing about stupid dental issues of Filipinos!
Try visiting China and other countries maybe that’ll help you give more ideas.
Hi Heather! I did not say that we Filipinos have the worst dental problem. I am merely stating the oral health condition here in the Philippines and this is something that I know should be put out there for more Filipinos to be aware of thus, I wrote it.
As a dentist that has worked in both In China and the Philippines, I would say that Filipinos have in general worse oral care, as in China the state pays for the majority of treatment.
Education on oral hygiene in schools is the way forward and the government in the Philippines making sure that money is directed towards those most in need.
Could you tell me where I can get Oral-B Superfloss here in the Phil. It’s not available in Mercury. I’m almost out of supply that I brought home from Canada. Thanks.
Hi Bing! I usually get mine at Watsons or at leading supermarkets like Rustans. I hope you get to find one 🙂
Hi, Jackie! Good day! I am suffering from bitterness in the tip of my tongue and even when I am brushing my tongue I also taste this bitterness. Is this a symptom of oral disease or some kind?
Hi Arms! Better have it checked by a dentist to be sure, I am in no authority to diagnose. 🙂