Today marks our six year wedding anniversary. While I am not really cheesy online, today’s an exception.
The reason why I’m dedicating a post on my wedding anniversary is because the 6th year is about candy. Yes, according to the wedding anniversary guide, the 6th year’s symbol is candy (traditional) or wood (modern). Although we don’t really care about the symbol of each wedding anniversary, (only the 25th and the 50th anniversary- silver and gold matter to us) I figured this year’s symbol coincides with my love for sweets, so might as well be sweet about it. Heehee.
So, what have I learned being married for six years you ask? Here are some random thoughts for your entertainment. Disclaimer: these are all based on my personal experience. It may vary with each married couple, but feel free to add your observations at the end of this post as I would love to read them.
A for effort. Of course the honeymoon phase will eventually fade come second, third or fourth year into marriage, most especially if it’s not just you and the husband anymore (hello babies!). Effort. It’s something that every married person should have. What sets being married from being in a relationship (girlfriend-boyfriend) apart is the freedom to do or not do anything to exert extra effort. Di ba? It’s not that married couples lack this, we tend to be very busy and focused on building a life together that sometimes we forget the little things. It happens because two have become one (cue Spice Girl’s Two Become One) and the things we use to exert effort to don’t necessary feel like we need to achieve, now that we are living under one roof. It’s okay to make an effort from time to time. Doesn’t have to be grandeur, little things lang achieve na!
Get a serving of queso at least once a week. Sweetness is my weakness but I don’t think I can take being cheesy all day everyday! Hahaha. I would however love to eat a bar of chocolate every. single. day. But a dose of queso isn’t a bad thing. Why do women like watching romantic comedy films? Because we always love the leading man and we tend to fall in love with his character that boosts of charm & sweetness. ‘Nuff said.
Shy type, why not? Six years being married and I still lock the bathroom door whenever I go inside to fix up, shower and whatelse-do-you-do-inside-the-banyo. I don’t know about you ladies but I am still shy & scared that Mr. GJG might walk in and catch me on my throne or busy cleaning my nose. I cringe. Yes, shy type pa din ako.
Sometimes, we’re roommates. Six years and two kids aint’ no joke. It had somehow striped us of intimate moments and sometimes, we don’t fight it. Our fleeting cuddle moments are most of the time interrupted with loud, screaming yet adorable two little human beings, trying to squish their way into our arms. Most of the time, we’re roommates. This is why, we love doing staycations & vacations. Being away from home makes us feel like we’re dating again. I’m getting the hang of doing annual adventure and weekly date nights with my roommate slash ex-boyfriend slash lover.
Nag not. This has never been an issue as I am not nagger. I don’t think I need to be one as I’m pretty lucky that Mr. GJG is someone who does things immediately when I ask him to. I guess this is one reason why we don’t fight as much nor have any issues. The thing is, women nag because they feel like they need to be heard. It is persistent because the issue hasn’t been resolved. So husbands, take note that wives don’t nag just because. To be nag free, something must be done.
Hint it with your best shot. Men don’t like playing the guessing game. Most of the time, we have to hint them with our best shot. Akshuli, not just hint, it has to be straight to the point. Why? Because if you don’t tell your husband what you want for Christmas, you get a iPod dock/multimedia player. True story.
To more years with you my love.
I found this funny 10 commandments that I believe every husband should read.
1. The kids come first, if there are no kids, the wife comes first.
2. Be kind, a cruel word, once said, cannot be unsaid.
3. Your wife is always the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.
4. Your wife is always the best sex you’ve ever had.
5. Everything is your fault. Learn to embrace this.
6. When your wife says “fine”, it means she is not happy.
7. Don’t seek to change each other; seek to accept each other.
8. Let the past stay in the past. Your marriage is about today and tomorrow.
9. Most important holidays of the year: your anniversary and you wife’s birthday.
10. Laugh a lot. Laugh with her. Laugh at yourself.
Witty! But I like #10 a lot because laughter really sets the mood at home. In a relationship it’s what makes the tough times bearable. Di ba nga a happy wife makes for a happy life? It starts with laughing a lot and then of course making the wife happy. Hahaha. Medyo self-serving pero its true right?
The past five years, we were busy with our family that we neglected who we are sans the kids. We used to be the spontaneous couple who would go on road trips just because we got tired of the city. This year, we’re taking cue from Tina Fey & Steve Carell- mandatory weekly date nights, all because we don’t really wanna be that boring old couple from New Jersey New Manila. From newlyweds, honeymooners, babymooners, homeowners, new parents, second time parents to happily married couple with two kids and still have their own identity, six years is something. Everything seemed to happen so fast that I feel like I wasn’t consciously living- just going with flow. Today, I can truly say I love this stage of my life where everything feels right, running smoothly and in place. Mr. GJG, I think we’re on the right track towards building our dreams together and reaching the silver or if we’re lucky, golden wedding anniversary. Yiheeee! Happy anniversary to us!
End of quesobells. Back to regular programming.
Wow this is so inspiring Ms. Jackie! Sweetness overload. ^_^ Happy anniv to you and to your.husband!
Thank you Grace!
happy anniversary to you and your hubby. I have realized something about our marriage and we’re also on our 6years. also I think I should let him know about this 10 commandments hahahhaa
Hi Debbie! What is your realization?
Yes, let the husband read it. Funny lang kasi it favours us. 
cheers Jackie! congrats to both of you and i 100% agree about date nights and if you can..still get wasted together. bahala na the 2 day hangover that follows. hahaha but doing this really makes me feel like we’re still dating and in a young relationsip. lakas maka re-ignite ng kilig fire. ;P
Saaaarah! Thank you! Akshuli! Sige try namin gawin yan pero dapat Friday para no work the next day. Heehee
Happy anniversary! Have a fantastic one!
Thank you Ceemee!
nicely said…
You inspire a lot of couples out there.
Thank you Arjayssa
Happy anniversary to you and Mr GJG! I wish you more happy years together.
Love this queso post, ha. I think it’s cute that you still lock that door when you go to the bathroom. MrC and I stopped doing that nung mag BF/GF palang kami, imagine?!
Hi Pat! Thank you! Oo, we still do that. Medyo weird but we let it go, thinking this is at least something that still has a mystery in our married life! Hahahaha.
So cute of you together. NaKakainspire!