Sharing with you our Singapore trip over the holidays. I know I’ve been holding off this post mainly because I had to sort through the pictures during the trip which made me realize I have a few good photos *sad face*
Warning: This is a photo-heavy post and I like it!
Remember I told you all about our trip having setbacks? Well setback number one was having no parking slot available in NAIA 3, so we tried Park & Fly which was quite far from NAIA 3 but it was also full. So my husband J decided to park in Newport City instead which is right across NAIA terminal 3. We thought that dilemma was resolved after J came to meet us up at the check-in counter. Only to find out that he took a cab from Newport to NAIA 3 (which cost him P200) since there’s no way to cross the main street. What’s worse is that he just realized that parking overnight there may result to towing and a fee of P1,000 per day (so 5 days is equals to P5,000-for parking, this is way too much!). So we’re about an hour away from boarding our plane when he had to call his brother for help. Luckily, we have a very nice and helpful brother (shout out to Jeff!) and he made it on time and picked up our car.
So after three and a half hours up in the air, we landed in sunny Singapore. Cebu Pacific’s terminal was located in Changi Airport’s budget terminal. We took a shuttle from the budget terminal to Changi Terminal 2 and rode the MRT going to Chinatown where our hotel is located.
What I like about Singapore is their mode of transportation is very easy. Their MRTs are interconnected making it easier to hop and transfer from one line to another without having to walk a mile. Even their bus routes are convenient and easily accessible even if you’re a tourist, one look at their bus routes (which are plastered in every bus stop) and you can get to your chosen destination without having to ask for directions.
Porcelain’s rooms are small. Square shaped room that the bed is right beside an enclosed bathroom. Also there rooms don’t have enough ventilation, no windows to be exact so if you’re quite claustrophobic this might not be the hotel for you to stay.
The day went on as we toured around Chinatown.
and because it was almost four in the afternoon and have not eaten proper lunch, we decided to have our late lunch in one of Chinatown’s restaurants.
I have to say the food was delicious, I especially love the spicy squid which had an unusual kind of chili powder. We weren’t able to try their cereal prawns because our server wasn’t able to get the order and we were almost done eating so we had to cancel it. Although the price isn’t as cheap as the restaurants in Manila’s Chinatown, the food still has an authentic oriental touch to it.
After our late lunch we walked around Chinatown, I wasn’t able to take much pictures as I was pushing Gabbie in her stroller & had a difficult time seeing (since my sty was getting worse).
There were a lot of products being sold here ranging from herbal teas, trinkets, Chinese New Year paraphernalia, clothes, art, furnitures, perfumes, and so on.
We found The Tintin shop located in the middle of Chinatown (which I find weird being there). The shop was a haven for Tintin aficionados for it houses tons of collectibles ranging from T-shirts, mugs, stationaries, posters, to toys that’s worth $1,000. No picture taking was allowed inside the shop, I would’ve love to share with you the cool things inside but it’s for you all to see in person.
It was a unique experience to stay near Chinatown it reminded me much of Manila’s which also exudes the same atmosphere. We haven’t been here in our last SIngapore trip so it’s something new for us. Also, vacationing with our in-laws was fun because I get to learn more from them and it was also great way to bond with them even more. It was somewhat exhausting on my part because I wasn’t feeling well, I was feeling chilly and experiencing pain on my left eye so we had to call it a night at the strike of eight o’clock in the evening but nonetheless I was happy to spend our post-Christmas here in Singapore.
That’s all for now, stay tuned for Singapore Part 2.
can’t wait for part 2! your baby is so cute! 🙂
hi jackie,
i know old post mo na ito. but question lang po since magtravel din kami this dec going to sg with my son and we will be bringing his stroller with us. cebu pacific din po ang airline namin. pano po ginawa niyo sa stroller check in or sa may gate po? thanks!
Hi Zee! We didn’t checked it in, they just got the stroller upon boarding before entering the plane, an airline crew will get it from you sa bridge. But declare na you have a stroller to bring upon checking-in luggage. Enjoy your vacation! OMG, your son will enjoy Universal Studios Singapore. Wear comfortable shoes and bring extra clothes. Yay! 🙂