This year marks the 150th year of birth of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. In honor of this momentous event, an exhibit entitled: Rizalizing The Future presented by the Yuchengco Museum opened to the public last June 3,2011. I for one have a thing with museums and history. Although I couldn’t entirely memorize it and I am not really engrossed with any historical figure or event, I am more drawn with what was not published by popular books. So upon learning that there was a “tweetup” amongst Filipino tweeple who share the same interest in the life & story of Rizal, I immediately signed up for it.
So last June 2, 2011 I together with my not-so-new found friends on Twitter were fortunate enough to get a firsthand look at the pieces of famous Filipino artists and Rizaliana memorabilia honoring our national hero, Dr. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda, a day before the museum officially opened.
I won’t bore you with description & information about the exhibit, rather will entertain you via this photo story.
Here’s a look at what went on that night.
Follow Haze Hung (hazehung) on Twitter.
Follow Sherwin Sowy (ssowy) on Twitter.
Follow Ros Juan (juanxi) on Twitter.
Follow Shumi’s Mom (huneyfaye) on Twitter.
Rizal’s virtues & sayings:
Someone’s busy ;p
Rizal & Josephine wood sculpture by Napoleon Abueva
I think I’ve shown enough photos, I won’t spoil the exhibit for those who plan on seeing it. How alive Rizal is and how he is seen and remembered by the people around him is something that you have to witness for yourself. This is your chance to realize that you have a connection with Rizal and share your own Rizalizing.
RIZALizing the Future is on view until Oct. 29,2011.
The Yuchengco Museum is at RCBC Plaza, corner Ayala and Sen. Gil Puyat Avenues, Makati City. Museum hours are Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For information, call 889-1234 or e-mail [email protected].
Shumi's Mom says
Thanks Jackie!! 🙂
Jackie Go says
No problemo! 😀