Confession: I’m afraid to grow old. Does this make me vain? When I started trying out beauty products, I realized I am afraid of aging. Yes aging. Having no skin care nor beauty regimen in my younger days, I fear this will get back at me when I am older. I’m afraid I won’t age gracefully because of how late bloomer I am when it comes to taking care of my skin, body and self in general.
While there are so many options for us women now, invasive treatments are still a no-no for me. First, because I am afraid of needles- uuuum yeeeeees, I hate them. Second, because I don’t like anything unnatural injected inside my body. And third, I uphold the saying “beauty comes from within, naturally”. Heehee.
As superficial as these may sound, I am not one who would experiment and let myself be pricked and poked for the love of beauty. Although, I may eat my words in the near future when scientists develop a mind-blowing procedure that is safe, natural and can take away 10 years to make me look oh-so-young again. This is a far-fetch possibility. For now, I’m sticking to products that can make my skin look and feel younger instantly.
Yep, you’ve read it right INSTANTLY. Parang Instax or instant noodles lang where enjoy a preserved moment through a photo or a bowl of noodles to comfort you on a rainy night.
Ladies and gents, I’ve recently discovered an amazing product that instantly lifts your face like you had a botox but waaaaay better and costs waaaaay cheaper. Behold, Up & Up Skin Lifting Serum.
Up & Up Skin Lifting Serum is priced at P799 and is a product of Beautique Manila.
Beautique is your premiere web store for innovative skin care and anti-aging products, designed for women looking for beauty solutions at the convenience of their own home.
We are committed to empower you to become a self starter when it comes to your own personal improvement by providing safe, affordable, innovative products that enhances and restore timeless beauty.
UP&UP‘s high concentrate formula quickly penetrates the skin’s surface, instantly improving elasticity. It lifts and smooths the skin’s surface, fills up wrinkles, and regenerates the skin collagen and elastin. The results are fabulous, with continued use skin maintains its youthful glow.
It is just so easy to use. Simply mix using the container, and apply the serum to your skin. Effortless and painless, the way beauty should be.
Since eye bag is my major eye problem, I tested Up & Up on my right eye to know it it really works.
Here’s my BEFORE photo. Look at how prominent the lines are under my eyes.
Here’s my AFTER photo. Taken just a few minutes after applying a thin amount of Up & Up under my right eye. See how faint the lines have become? The small white bumps right under the lines have flattened out, as if it diminished instantly. It’s like Photoshop magic!
Immediately, I feel a slight tightness on the area where I applied Up & Up. There were no stinging nor other sensation aside from the feeling that as if someone put a tape at the corners of my under eye to pull the skin away from each other. I was pretty impressed because in just one application, I saw the difference.
According to Ria, the woman behind Beautique, Up & Up has a high concentrate formula that quickly penetrates the skin surface, making it possible to see immediate results. It helps improve skin elasticity, smoothen’s skin surface, fills-up the wrinkles, regenerates skin collagen & elastin, and lifts the skin visibly.
Up & Up is made of Green Tea Extract, Ade Aluminium Erijissel Sump Extract, Trehalose, Adenosine, Dynalift, Chamomile Extract, Hyaluronic Acide, and Aloe Vera Extract.
It’s hard not to rave about this amazing product because it really works like magic. If I were to religiously use this over time, Ria said that my eye bags and wrinkles will become non-existent. Okay, time to save up so I can hoard on this magic called Up & Up!
You can order your own Up & Up Skin Lifting Serum at HERE.
Can you mail it to Califirnia, USA? Can you tell how much is the equivalent in US dollar including shipping charge.
Hi Zeny! You can get in touch with Beautique Manila on their website. 🙂