Not a lot know that I’ve been wearing prescription glasses since I was young because of my astigmatism & low grade. I also wear contact lens whenever I need to because we all know how it can be a hassle to wear glasses especially when you lead an active lifestyle.

First time to try Dailies AqauComfort Plus so I was excited because I’ve heard good reviews about it.

Dailies AquaComfort Plus is becoming popular because it is easy to put and is very comfortable. I’ve been wearing it since December of last year and have tested them doing different activities. From early morning school drop offs, to working out, even while traveling.

My initial thoughts upon wearing it for the first time:
It’s easy to wear as I didn’t have to fiddle with the lens–it goes straight in without any fuss! All thanks to the thin edge of the lens. It’s funny though that I as I was getting ready to put on my makeup, I’ve forgotten I was wearing lens because it feels as if I wasn’t.
Same thing happened while I was working out. I was about to wash my face with my eyes open when I realized I was wearing Dailies AquaComfort Plus.
True to its claim, it keeps eyes moisturized with every blink. Dailies AquaComfort Plus is designed with blink-activated moisture. I was so used to putting eye drops whenever I wear contact lenses because I tend to have dry eyes but I didn’t have to while I was wearing it. So impressed!

A whole day out with no dryness, irritation nor need to use eye drops is life changing! For someone whose eyes gets irritated and dries easily, finding a good brand of one-day contact lens is heaven sent. It has enhanced not just my day to day life but even when I’m traveling!

Dailies AquaComfort Plus provides a cushioning effect that gives comfort through the day all thanks to its multiple moisturizing agents. Never thought I’d be very happy about wearing one day contact lenses in my life. I highly recommend wearing Dailies AquaComfort Plus for first-time wearers (it’s so easy to put– watch my Facebook story to see how it only takes less than a minute for me to put it) who find it uncomfortable to wear prescription glasses go ahead and switch to daily disposable contact lenses. Dailies AquaComfort Plus is available in leading optical shops nationwide.
Know more about Dailies PH by following them on Facebook www.facebook.com/dailiesph/
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