My son loves creating things with his hands. Whether it’s building LEGO bricks, doodling and drawing or creating a character from usual household items. He has a knack for bringing things to life. So when I asked him during the #Promil4iShine6 launch on what camp he wanted to join, he immediately said art or engineering. I guess he likes the idea of unleashing his creativity or wanting to know how to create things.
So we opted to try Engineering For Kids. I first learned about EFK when it first opened here in Manila a few years ago. I think I was still pregnant with Juro or he was still a baby then when we got invited to try it. Now we were finally able to go and during first session Juro was taught by Engineering For Kids mentor Teacher Lei herself.
All smiles with Teacher Lei on his first day as a junior engineer.
In each program of Engineering For Kids, it is explained how things work through different kinds of fun and real-life situations allowing students to be more imaginative while developing their problem-solving skills.
Their first activity, slime making!
Teacher Lei taught the kids how adding different ingredients can create new things and how each compound is bond to stick with another, depending on what it is.
After the first session of Engineering For Kids camp, Juro was excited to tell me all about it. I never thought he’d talk about science and how things are made enthusiastically!
On another session he was able to create his own rocket ship and even got to launch it! From conceptualisation to the actual thing, he did it by himself.
Another time he went home with a cube made from toothpicks and marshmallows.
He said that the marshmallow acted like a screw in holding the toothpicks together to create a shape.
Aside from these, he and his classmates also got to tinker with electronics with the help of the EFK teachers. They connected Makey Makey device to a series of foils that acts as control for the game they played on the laptop.
Never did he went home after each camp session without a story and a smile on his face. He even wants to continue EFK even after the camp is finished.
On his last session he created the most adorable and amazing robot hand. Made from cardboard, yarn and beads. He also though of putting robot designs on it to make it completely his own. I love how he had so much fun while learning about things during the #Promil4iShine6 Engineering For Kids Camp!
For those of you who are still interested to join the camps, here’s the schedule for the Art Camp headed by Teacher Robert Alejandro. It’s gonna be in Alabang on May 2-5. For more information visit their website at or their Facebook page at
Thanks for sharing. Kids will always be curious about how things work.