My husband & I have a thing for clean bathrooms, especially toilets. We even have a basketful of cleaning arsenal and one of the products we love is Domex. We are obsessed with keeping our bathrooms, particularly toilets clean because our kids use them often. Ever since Gabbie was potty trained, she was semi-obsessed going to the potty by herself, as she feels all grown up. I’ve tried to teach her to put the lid down first before she flush the toilet but it’s still a work in progress. As for my year old son, he likes dipping his hand into the toilet bowl every time I wash him. OMG Horror! So you really can’t blame us for having an arsenal of cleaning products.
Did you know, there are about 2 million bacteria per inch that can be found in a bathroom and yet over 90% of local households are unaware of proper toilet hygiene and sanitation practices? Yikes! That’s why Unilever, through its leading specialized toiler cleaner brand Domex,the number one germ-killer brand, announced plans to expand its annual support for World Toilet Day celebrations to a fully-formed advocacy, with a nationwide initiative to promote better bathroom sanitation.
They recently launched the One Million Clean Toilets Movement, which aims to encourage a culture of cleanliness by increasing the public’s awareness on the importance of maintaining proper toilet sanitation through a series of year-long cleaning and education initiatives, starting with a multi-sector partnership with UNICEF, the Philippine Public Health Association, the City of Manila and Pilipinas Shell.
Domex will deputize Germ Busters through a series of training activities on the proper servicing of restrooms covering City Service employees, NLEX and SLEX Shell gas station service personnel, and selected school and hospital sanitation staff. Thank you Domex for this! There were many incidences where I had to hold my pee because the toilets at gas stations, NLEX & SLEX were too dirty, death comes there to die. I am thrilled that with the One Million Clean Toilets Movement, many would be aware of how deadly an unsanitized bathroom can be, and would be compelled improve bathroom sanitations.
Advocacy partner UNICEF provided an overview of toilet sanitation in the country, revealing that diarrhea is the third leading cause of child illness and fourth leading cause of death of children under five years old. The organization maintains an active water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program, which focuses on increased household demand for basic sanitation and improved hygiene practice, to combat the prevalence of diarrhea and intestinal worm infection.
The aim of the campaign apart from the initiatives stated is to collect a total of one million pledges from private households to conscientiously maintain their own clean, safe and hygienic bathrooms by the next World Toilet Day in November 2014.
I did my pledge and you can do yours too. Just like Domex Philippines Facebook Page and pledge to support the One Million Clean Toilets Movement. Domex Philippines will also help grow a global fund to help improve access to basic sanitation in areas of need all over the world as Domex will donate P5 to UNICEF’s Sanitation Program for every pledge received.
good move guys!