I always get giddy whenever I receive blogger mail and I get extra giddy when I know the mail is a beauty box. It’s something I look forward to unboxing because I know I’ll discover new products to include in my beauty kit. Last week, I received one that was about to challenge my make up, video and editing skills. For this beauty box, Nivea partnered with Glamourbox to bring us Your Best Face Revealed Challenge.
It’s about recreating a makeup look using the contents of this box.
Thankful that apart from the make up I need to complete the challenge, there’s also Nivea Deep Cleansing Wipes, Gentle Cleansing Wipes and Lip Butter to help me achieve the vampy vixen look I was asked to recreate. Challenge accepted!
Before I started, I used Nivea Deep Cleansing Exfoliating Wipes to cleanse my face. This two-sided wipes works two ways: the soft side deeply cleanses & removes make-up while the textured side gently exfoliates dead skin cells & refines the skin without leaving residues.
Vampy Vixen, here we go!
Please watch my first ever make up tutorial and how I managed to achieve the vampy vixen look.
[embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1MK0rrC” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/_nw5V23GrHs?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=_nw5V23GrHs&width=450&height=350&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep1054″ /]
Here’s my vampy vixen look. How’d you think I do with the make up tutorial? 🙂 I’m just so happy that I was able to recreate the look and make a video of it too! Achievement unlocked!
I was excited yet nervous to take on the challenge as I haven’t had the courage and time to shoot a make up tutorial. It was really a struggle to finish my face without making mistakes because honestly, I always make one. Thank goodness there’s Nivea Gentle Facial Cleansing Wipes to help me wipe off my make up boo boos.
I can’t help but smile because I’m so happy I was able to do recreate the look. Challenge accepted, challenge done! Now I’m tagging Angela of Lush Angel and Nikki of Ask Me Whats to do the challenge too! Girls, I can’t wait to see what look you’ll do. 😉
I’m curious about that cream palette 🙂 How did it perform?
Hi CJ! Coverage is great but I find it too creamy for my under eyes. Since I have fine lines there, the cream tends to seep in my fine lines, best thing to do is to blend it well. I like using it to contour more than to conceal. 🙂