Have you seen this 7-year old kid named Diego? He’s been popping out on my social media feeds as my friends and those I follow can’t stop talking about him. I couldn’t blame them though, as this little cutie pie is a witty, handsome boy who’s hobby is to give advice!
How did he become the next Internet sensation? All he ever did was ask a question that got his family searching for the right answer.
[embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1hDLR0p” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/DLKBD_DT2sk?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=DLKBD_DT2sk&width=450&height=350&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep1878″ /]
He’s been answering all these questions asked by people on his Facebook page.
You all might be wondering why different people from all walks of life, boy, girl, adult or kid, ask random questions to Diego. I was thinking the same thing. But then again if you look at his Facebook page and notice how he answers each and every question, you’d understand that all his answers are simple, straight to the point, and most of all, it entails no judgment. I think its the kind of answer most of us want to hear don’t you think?
To help Diego answer all the questions that are posted on his Facebook page, he gets some guidance from his mom and dad. They even made these rules to make it easier for everyone.
As weird as this sounds, I have a few takeaways from the rules Diego & his parents Daddy Paolo & Mommy Lara made. First, it really pays to be nice and kind. Second, being rude will take you nowhere and third, sometimes, you need to hear the answer you’re looking for from a kid.
If I were to ask Diego something, I would also ask about chocolates! I love how he answered it. It’s amusingly true no? Moderation is the key! Too much chocolates & little fruits or vegetables can cause pimples! Eeeeep!
What I like most about Diego’s page is that he gives simple yet easy to do tips such as this. Thinking about it, saying sorry is the best thing you can do when you’ve done something wrong to someone.
This is made possible because Diego’s family uses PLDT Home DSL. It enables them (Ledesma family) to go online as it proves family-sized connections. I myself can attest to this as my family and I have been PLDT Home DSL subscribers for years now. It has been providing us reliable DSL connection even if we’re using multiple gadgets simultaneously. My kids love watching their favorite shows online (Peppa Pig, Hi5 and Sesame Street to name a few), my husband always checks his email for anything work related, he also enjoys playing NBA2k14 on his video console and connects online so he can compete with other players all over the world. All simultaneously happening while I check my email, blog, update my social media sites and even download my favorite TV series. All we need is one connection to power multiple devices (laptops, tablets, smart phones even video console). This is how a Family-sized broadband connection for the home should be, it should allow your family to enjoy limitless sharing.
Now, I’m thinking of a question to ask Diego. Hmm, Maybe I’ll ask my darling daughter Gabbie to come up with a question for him instead! Funny how amazingly simple yet true a 7 year old’s answers can be. And with how he innocently yet straightforwardly answers the questions thrown at him, he’s definitely really bound to be a star.
I’m ending this post with a short but sweet letter I wrote for Diego.
Dear Diego,
I hope you get to read this. Or maybe I’ll post this on your Facebook page for you to see. I actually don’t have any valid question to ask you as seeing your page, most of the things I want to know about you, you already answered. What I want to say is, I really, really find you oh so adorable! I’m a fan! Actually, you remind me so much of my almost 2 year old son. He may not be able to fully comprehend ideas yet but he sure is witty & charming just like you! I hope I get to meet you & your family so we can get to know each other and talk about the things you like to do with your family when you’re connected online, as my family is just like yours- we enjoy spending time with each other at home.
Please also thank your Mommy Lara & Daddy Paolo for me, for without their consent, we wouldn’t get to know you and won’t be able to ask silly or just because questions. Thank you also for sharing your thoughts and for giving us a feel of how a 7-year old sees the world. I hope you’re ready as I have a feeling you’re going to be a star! If my hunch is true, please remember to stay humble okay? Good job on answering the questions thrown at you. Regards to your family. Keep it up!
Tita Jackie
So, do any of you need an answer or advice? Why don’t you ask Diego?
Visit his Facebook page, click ‘Like’ and start asking! https://www.facebook.com/AskDiego
Thank you so much PLDT Home DSL for providing limitless sharing with strong family-sized connections and thank you also for the movie tickets for Rio 2 that you gave my family and I. Watching movies is really one of the things we love doing, so we were ecstatic to know you gave us tickets to Rio 2.
How cute and amusing this kid noh?
Super! I wish Juro’s like this when he’s a little older 🙂