So I received free tickets to the first day block-off screening of Breaking Dawn Part 1 last Friday, thanks Ms. Anj and BPI for that. Anyway, that Friday was a very busy day for me. I had a whole day shoot for something exciting coming out anytime this week or maybe next week (will talk about it more when its launched), luckily I had a good decision to not bring my car with me that day. Friday traffic+Makati to QC bound during rush hours= you’ll never make it on time.
So I braved the MRT.
I’m used to commuting. I’ve been riding the MRT (sorry not the LRT though) for years that I’ve managed to memorize the stations and get stored tickets too but I dread riding it during rush hours. I honestly feel like fainting, but luckily the area and side I was standing had one open window the only one open in the entire female only coach, lucky me. So the supposedly two hour road traffic became a thirty minute train ride. Time vs. comfort? Sorry, time won in this round.
And because i made it a few minutes earlier before the screening, we had time to eat a decent meal.
Greek food is one of our favorites. It’s usually a craving for me but a staple for the husband. These three dishes are just some of our favorites. Yum! Check out Cyma Restaurants for more details.

wow reserved seats!

spotted: Alvin of & his fiance
BPI who hosted the premier also launched their mobile banking app for both iPhone and Android phones.
Sorry for the blurred photos, wasn’t able to properly set my camera *sad face*. BPI also had a mini-game and two winners get P500 cash each which can be credited directly to their BPI account.
All you have to do is go to , log on to the mobile banking tab and download the app directly on your phone (for iPhone users you must input the activation code upon enrolling your account). Subsequent charges may be applied depending on your mobile service provider. I’m not an iPhone user anymore but glad to know that they also have this app for Blackberry users.
Here’s a screenshot of my app.
What I like about their mobile app is that I can check my accounts (real-time deposit and loan balances) while I’m on the go. I can also transfer funds to another person’s account, pay my bills (such as credit card bills, electricity, cable, phone even mobile phone bills), reload prepaid phones and broadband sticks, even order a checkbook. Banking indeed has never been this easy!
So after the quick unveiling of BPI Express Mobile app for the Iphone and Android phones, we then proceeded to watching the movie.

Hubby & I all set to watch Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 (thanks Alvin for taking this picture)
Take some time to spend quality time with your husband or wife. It is important in every relationship most especially when you’re married. The most simplest could be an intimate dinner at home or elsewhere and of course one of our favorite things to do, enjoy a good movie together.
Breaking Dawn was by far the most emotional movie from the series, we liked it except for the horror-like scenes.
Thanks again BPI!
For more information about BPI Express Mobile app visit
Again you still have a week to join my giveaway click here. Go lang and join!
That’s all!
Happy Wednesday!
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