Being an avid online shopper, I always rave how great it is that I get to purchase items that gives me my money’s worth. I mostly shop for apparel, things that are only available outside the Philippines and second-hand items that are in good condition that are half-off their retail value.
Since we live in a condominium, I can only acquire enough things that can fit in our apartment. So in order for me to shop on a regular basis, I also need to purge and let go of the things I no longer need nor use. Here’s a quick shopping tip: If you haven’t used an item for the past 3 months, I say let it go. If you can’t remember having that item and you’ve totally forgotten all about it, sell it!
This has happen to me too many times and I figured I needed to purge so I can shop more. With this, I’ve decided to join the Yesss, Yaman! Movement.
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Yesss, Yaman! movement encourages every Filipino to sell their personal items that they no longer need and are just gathering dust and dirt in the storage or even in their closet, kitchen or bedroom. Sometimes, we have more things we don’t really use than those we do. So it’s time to let go of them by selling them online at OLX.PH used to be known as SULIT.COM.PH and it’s been an established online buy and sell site for years now. I wasn’t able to join Blogger’s United a few weeks ago because I have a commitment I needed to fulfill, so instead I’m joining the Yesss Yaman! movement of and sell the items I’m supposed to at BU.
I have more clothes that can fit my closet. Can you blame me? So most of the items I want to sell are clothes that I no longer use but are still in good condition.
Chloe trench dress
Ducks Unlimited crop halter top and H&M polka skirt
Apart from clothes, I also have a few shoes I want to let go.
Zara Peep Toe Wedge
Zara Gold Stiletto
I also have a few home items that I need to let go of because we’re running out of space in our home!
Handy Multi-Use Steamer because I really want a big, commercial clothes steamer.
Philips Double Electric Breast Pump because I am no longer breastfeeding Lil’ Mr. GJG.
I’m also letting go of my trusty MacBook because I already have a new one and I know a lot are looking into buying one and getting a second-hand one is way cheaper.
I actually have a lot more to sell but I haven’t flipped the house to search for every nook and cranny for unused and forgotten items. Eeeep! I know I have a long way to go when it comes to purging and letting go of the things I don’t even know I still have, but joining the Yesss, Yaman! movement is a good start to turn my forgotten, unused and no longer using items into cold hard cash!
Heehee. When all these have been sold, I can now say, Yesss, Yaman Na Meeeee! 😉
To join the Yesss, Yaman! movement simply visit
You can also check out some tips when it comes to selling online HERE.
Go ahead and join the Yesss, Yaman! movement and be part of the next 1 million Filipinos selling their 2ndhand items on!
Ho can I see your items in Ms. Jackie? DO you have like a username in order for me to browse your items?
Hi Donna!
I haven’t uploaded pa the items I plan on selling but I will dedicate one day (hopefully soon) to do so. I’ve been in and out of the house for the past few weeks kasi 🙂
Jel! Not the body mannequin as that’s Tin’s 🙂 The steamer, yes! Heehee