So, this is what a blog looks like. Hello there wordpress.
It suddenly occurred to me that I wanna create my own blog, since I have been going online everyday checking mails, facebook, twitter, even doing online shopping, so I think it’s time for my writing to be techie too. It’ll help much for the environment that one person will use less paper & that there would be no missing journal for me! So I choose wordpress for this reason: It easy & has it’s Iphone app! I could update my blog on the go. YAY! 🙂
Writing for me is a therapy (aside from shopping!). I don’t know if a normal person has so many thoughts going on in his/her head but I know I do. Back in the days (wow, i sounded like an oldie) when all you needed was a pen & a paper, I would always have one whenever I go and just randomly write whatever I think of whether it’s a word, a sentence, a description of an image or just anything at all that crosses my mind. I also remember writing on our house’s walls, stairs, doors even windows when I was a kid. Writing then seemed to be my second nature next to breathing!
I have been writing since i was in grade school & I developed it when I was in high school. I remember competing & winning in an inter-school writing competition under the feature category. The topic is about POWER. Power in any form and in any way. So i thought, what is the ultimate representation of power? GOD. Yes, my title was: “I am God, or so I thought I am”. Too bad i lost copy of my winning piece 🙁
Sadly, I’ve lost my journals somewhere in transit while we moved from one city to another, too bad I would’ve wanted my daughter to see them so that she’ll have an idea on how crazy her mom is but that’s another story 😉 Now, I think my wordpress would last until my daughter’s old enough to create & have her own. Well, I am officially a blogger! YAY ME! 🙂
Hi Jackie! welcome to wordpress 🙂 I’m excited to read your entries! have fun!
AHaha.. I so much enjoyed your blog Jackie, that I had to go to the very first post.. (well, I didn’t read all the entries – yet!). But yeah, just want to know how it all started. 🙂 You do write so well and so engaging. Will be back here more often 😉 Happy New Year!
Thanks Ruth! 🙂 Hope to see you around again soon! Happy New Year!