Day 1 of 365. What a good feeling waking up to a fresh start.
Thinking if this is a good blog post entry or if I should just keep it private in my journal. Nonetheless I’m just going to continue writing. *edit: obvs ended up posting this heehee.
I woke up from barely any sleep as we ring in the new year here in Georgia, Tbilisi. Grateful that we’re all together despite the hiccups we faced in this trip.
Anyhow, I couldn’t go back to sleep as my mind was awake & thoughts started pouring. I don’t know about you but Day 1 of 2022 gives such energy of hope & possibility no? While our body is still hungover from day 365 of 2021, our mind already looks forward to filing our 2022 days with thoughts of what’s to come. Right???
New year, new______
By this time most of you have already made resolutions or goals. Well, I’ve stopped making resolutions & goals because I’ve perpetually felt burnout whenever I didn’t get to tick off EVERYTHING on my list—blame the Virgo in me for this perfectionist trait. Unfortunately there’s always this one resolution or one goal that I just couldn’t follow through. Hahahuhu. Apparently, it’s a scientific fact that our minds cannot comprehend having resolutions with the pressure of achieving it within a certain timeline because as humans we aren’t built that way. (Read this somewhere today, will link here once I find it again). But in all seriousness, the past few years I’ve simplified my new year traditions so I can fully commit to it without being stressed if things don’t go as planned. So instead of measurable goals or resolutions, I’ve settled for a word that I can anchor on as I navigate the new year.
And for 2022, it’s PAUSE. I’m letting this word be my true north for the year.

For everything that’s happening around the world aka the constant stimulation we get both online & offline, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with (mostly) negative emotions. Without an anchor, it’s hard to emotionally navigate through all the noise we’re exposed to on the daily. So for 2022, in everything I’ll do, especially when I find my self going on auto-pilot, I’m going to pause & breathe so that I can be ready continue.

Saved this on my phone as my daily reminder especially when anxiety brought about by uncertainty creeps in. Manifesting a life that unfolds with ease for us all this 2022.
Naiyak ako. Totoo, pause. And reflect. I forgot about this word when dad passed. Kasi I wanted to be always on-the go. I didn’t wanna pause & grieve. But after reading this – I realized the importance of it, once in a while ?
Hugs Hannah. ❤️ Maybe being on-the go has become part of your process but yes to pausing once in a while. ☺️