I am not much of a follower of gossips and the latest news locally nor internationally but when the buzz circulated online that the young Hollywood star Miley Cyrus got engaged few days ago with a whooping 3 carat bling given by her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth (Hunger Games star and Miley’s leading man in the movie The Last Song) I was intrigued. My immediate reaction was that it is the typical Hollywood scene creating a fiasco over such engagement of the young couple.
“I’m so happy to be engaged and look forward to a life of happiness with Liam,” Miley Cyrus, 19 answers on a magazine interview.
Miley’s 3.5 carat diamond ring! photo source
Dear Liam, I hope the size of this diamond reflects the love you have for Miley and vice versa. Scratch that, it should be bigger (the love of course) and immeasurable!
Okay first off, I was completely shocked at how Miley looks right now! So mature looking I hardly recognized her.
I’m a huge Disney Chanel viewer and sometimes they still air Hannah Montana, she looks so young and fresh as well as from the last movie of hers that I’ve watched (The Last Song). So imagine my surprise that this bubbly teenage girl look of Miley no longer exists and has now been transformed into a young lady.
Seriously, she has aged over the years. That plus her make up paired with a more matured designer dress sure did the work. But yes, this is Miley Cyrus now. Earth to Jackie, where was I when this happened? Oh right, I was busy with homemaking, motherhood, pregnancy and blogging that’s why! 😉
Anyway, there is definitely mixed emotions and reactions from people everywhere who are somewhat affected with this current issue. I couldn’t really blame Miley & Liam for getting engaged at a sweet young age because they’re in love. Most old traditional, conservative people would really beg to differ mainly because they believe that love isn’t all you need rather it must be accompanied by life experiences as well.
My take on this is half-half. After all I got engaged at the tender age of 23 years old. I never really imagined myself getting married in my early twenties, I’ve envisioned myself as a career woman and would settle down in my late 20s or even early 30s. I then see myself as a jet setter, seeing the world and having an Eat, Pray, Love moment. But then things, situations and circumstances changed. When I met my then boyfriend of three years, I knew he was given to me with a purpose and then everything changed. It could have been all just about love, it could’ve been a spur of the moment, but then realizing now that it wasn’t that way and that it was something deeper, we’ve shared life together. We found love in a hopeless place (yes, quoting Rihanna talaga but it’s true) and everything went along.
Quoting Miley Cyrus from her Twitter.
” I love my fiancé & he loves me. All the rest is bull shit. We get to live a life of happiness no one can take that away from us!”
Awwww young love, sweet love! While others may find it cliché, come to think of it it holds true even when you’re married. No matter how sucky the situation whether your love is against all odds and even against your in-laws or the world, what matters is the understanding and relationship you have between your husband and the family you create together.
But since I am a mom to a girl, it also got me thinking what if it was Gabbie who decided to get engaged at a sweet young age? What would I feel as her mom? As a mom, I think it is flattering that a man would want to marry my child but at a young age? Hmmmm I think I’ll have to talk to my daughter and her “fiancé” first and share them our story. As what couples who are married for more than a decade always say:
“Ang pag-aasawa ay di gawang biro…di yan parang kanin na isusubo at pwede mo iluwa pag napaso ka”. (Marriage is no laughing matter, it’s not like eating hot rice when you get burned you just spit it out)
That is exactly what my parents told me when they learned I was engaged back in 2008. They were supportive but they’ve given me tons of advice and they also helped me with things I don’t have any idea of. So I guess that’s the same thing I’m going to do with Gabbie (whether she marries early, oh I hope not or she decides to marry late) whatever her decision is.
As for Miley & Liam, I along with their millions of followers wish them nothing but the best. No, I don’t wish for them to have a happy ending. In the real world of marriage, the in betweens, the little things, the hardships and trials make the journey worthwhile.
Good thing there’s divorce in the US of A, should you change your mind like Britney Spears, Kobe Bryant, Madonna, J.Lo, or Jessica Simpson there’s a way out of it. But of course, I’m hoping you two will prove everybody wrong.
Again, congratulations on your engagement Miley & Liam! (close?! chos!) May you two get the best of both worlds (pun intended), looking forward to your (I bet) lavish Hollywood wedding!
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Awww relate ako sa dream mo — I get to travel the world and have had many Eat Pray Love moments but I think I’m ready to love someone na 🙂
Yes, I envy you in your travels! Siguro when my kids are older will my hubby & I see the world. For now, raising my family is my main focus. As for you, I’m excited for you to find the one you’ll spend the rest of your life with! Yiheeeee! 😀