LUST. A very powerful word. A noun, meaning an overwhelming desire. It is something that has yet to be satisfied in order for that person to finally cease to obsess about the thing that causes such an overwhelming feeling.
There are a few things I’ve been eyeing on over the past few months. I was once an impulsive shopper until I learned that by being patient, I could get what I want for a cheaper price (if it goes on sale) or if not at least give me time to contemplate if I really want it in the first place. You see, every time I see the things that I want I couldn’t help but show my adoration to them by tinkering, gushing over & if possible trying them on to actually verify if my “lusting” isn’t just temporary. So after a few months of obsessing, I am more than sure that I want to get hold of them.
Here are the things that I’m currently lusting after:
Jeffrey Campbell Lita (Woven)
I’ve been eyeing on Jeffrey Campbell’s Litas. I like how very comfortable (yes, I’ve tried a few Litas already that’s how much I like love it!) Of all the shoe style Jeffrey Campbell is known for, I particularly fell in love with Lita. Boots is forever a staple shoe and you can’t go wrong with it! I particularly like the woven Lita as well as the mustard leather. They both look simple yet really an outfitey maker! Nelly’s next in line to my Lita. *ahem, to those who want to gift this to me for my birthday this August. You must know that I’m a size 7.5 for JC shoes* haha *hint! hint! to those who love meeee!* 😉 and yes, I believe a girl (even a boy) can never have to many shoes, ’nuff said 😉
14″ Cambridge satchel in green
13″ Cambridge satchel in taxi cab yellow.
Why 13″ or 14″ inch Cambridge Satchel? Because I like big bags. I have too many things in my bag and sporting a 13″ or 14″ is just perfect! Plus, it can fit my MacBook too! heehee. Also, I am proud to say I am no longer a bag hag. I’ve stopped looking for bags ever since my sister introduced me to designer bags. Why? Because it lasts longer compared to bags that may look stylish and affordable but would eventually flake after a few use (so I’d rather buy a bag once a year and invest on a really good bag-designer or not than buy multiple less expensive ones that”ll only last a few months, at least for me 🙁 ) but take note that it really depends on the quality of bags/shoes, it doesn’t have to be designer, it could be brand-less for all I care. What’s important is the material used (so it can last for years) & the style that makes it a staple bag (one that you can actually pass on to your kids) that’s what matters 😉
Ever since I’ve learned that the Chocolate Schubar is the official distributor of these pretty bags, I been frequenting their stores checking out the satchels & was even tempted to place my order for it. But, the husband & I agreed I only get to buy a bag once a year (or maybe twice naman). I am in love with anything leather. It is durable & the smell of it is just irresistible! Glad that The Cambridge Satchel bags are not that pricey compared to designer bags so that’s one good excuse to tell Mr. Go so I can persuade him in buying it. *evil laugh* 😉
Isn’t she pretty? I believe every girl should own a leather jacket. I prefer the brown/tan one rather than the black one but come to think of it, the latter is much sexier! LOL. I have yet to find the perfect leather jacket. I would’ve gotten one over the weekend since I saw one on sale from Zara but I was too lazy to look given there were a lot of people shopping plus, my shopping priority is home furnishings more than clothes. But don’t tempt me, next time I’m out I might just check it out (if it’s still on sale). *sighs* I could still smell the leather scent, too hypnotizing!

Eames Rocker Chair

Zuo Modern Leatherette Andromeda Chair Accent
Since we are moving to a bigger place, we’re very much thrilled in fixing & decorating our unit. But since we have existing furnitures, it is harder for us to find the appropriate pieces that would go well with our new home. One of the key furnitures that I’ve been obsessing about is finding the perfect accent chair. As you can see on the pictures above, me and my husband’s preference are quite the same. We like sleek, unique, modern & contemporary pieces, so choosing for the perfect accent chair would be a task. I’ve stumbled upon About A Chair who offers unique accent chairs! I’m very much excited to shop for that perfect accent chair but first we’ve got to finish installing the tiles! Will update you guys on our condo unit’s progress. For now, the hunt for the perfect accent chair is still ongoing 😉
You all know I’m such a fan of books. I am a very proud bookworm and now that I’ll be having a bigger kitchen (we’ve even bought our oven already *screams*) I am very much excited to say that I am now loving on browsing (I’ve even tried to hoard) cookbooks! and every time I do so, I get all giddy & really imagine on how to cook each dish! (excited much?!) Not only that, I’ve been also obsessed with kitchenware, more than any household items.
Kitchenwares and storage items are now my favorite things to window shop! As much as I want to hoard everything (especially those from Japan Home and other P88/P68 stores) I can’t. As much as I want to own them all, condo living has limited space and the key to having a clutter-free house is to minimize things and even though it breaks my heart, I shall live with that. As what my shopping mantra says: “only buy what you need”, and I will happily do so. I’ve also gotten to love QUIRKS Novelties & Curiosities which offer cute purposeful products, thanks also to Inez Bernardo for featuring some items on her blog—> Yourhinez. I’m super excited to buy different kinds of storage & kitchenwares but not until we’ve moved after a few more months (relax Jackie) *pats self on the shoulder*
It’s okay to lust over material things, (for me, I think) it actually helps in making you realize how much you really want something right?! These things are really on my mind the past few months, I know they’re just earthly things and honestly wouldn’t really mind if I don’t get to have them anytime soon BUT (yes a big bad but!) I would be a lot happier if I get to have them *smiles like a good girl* Having to lust on these things also helps me to save up and not spend on anything that’s not relevant & lust-worthy. I hope I get to buy some of these things in the coming weeks, oh universe please conspire with me *crosses fingers*. For now I’ll just enjoy window shopping and online browsing and instead dedicate my energy to my family and the completion of our new home 😉
those shoes and satchel are gorgeous! waaaahhh, i wanna buy too! 🙂