It just sort of hit me as I was concocting my morning cup of coffee at nine in the morning last Monday. Morning is always the most busiest time of my day. When my kids are awake, I start going around the house like a headless chicken, because I have to do everything myself as I’m maidless and yayaless. I’m beginning to feel like this is my destiny. Growing up not having any helper, my mom raised my sisters and I to do household chores. This sort of trained me, helping me to endure my current situation. I’m not 100% happy about it (because being helpless has its pros & cons) but I’m not stressed over it either. Steady lang.
Going back to my lemons, (that didn’t sound right) I was staring blankly at the kitchen tiles, half-awake as I try with all the energy I have to be in the NOW. Slowly figuring out my next steps, (ala-Spiderman when he figured he had spidey powers) as I stir muscovado sugar and caramel cream on my coffee. Next steps: drink my cup of coffee, prepare lil’ Ms. GJG’s snack for school, prepare her clothes, prepare my clothes, prepare lil’ Mr. GJG’s clothes, sit and eat quick breakfast, (cereal, pastry or whatever that’s easy to munch which’ll take about five precious minutes) give lil’ Mr. GJG a bath, give lil’ Ms. GJG a bath, take a bath, throw the trash, make the bed and if I have time, sweep and mop the floors. All must be done in less than an hour, so that we can leave right on time for lil’ Ms. GJG’s school. Push.
Geez, writing these made me realize how busy I really am in the morning. So busy that I always forget to finish my cup of coffee that I prepare every freaking morning. I gulp it down cold and aroma-less. Ugh.
It doesn’t end there. After a few hours of more chores and more errands, next thing I know it’s already afternoon. Which prompts me to prepare cooking dinner. I do this hopefully while the kids play in their room. In between, when the kids take their nap, only do I get to take my time and enjoy my life’s share of lemons.
Which brings me to talk about it on this post. Trying to multi-task and make an effort to tick off a few pendings on my To Do list, I just end up being stressed. Stressed over it, about it, all the effing time. OC lang ba talaga ko? Hindi. This is a dilemma of every homemaker and mom. Aminin, there is always something we need to do, even if we’re on a vacation.
Reading the many versions of this proverbial phrase made me smile. It’s not just me who makes up my own version, but as well as others. Lav ett!
Keri ko to pag medyo high blood na ko.
Eto perfect for a night cap or to welcome the weekend.
For the magician in you. Hahaha. Or sadyang pa-bibo lang. Lemon nga tapos orange juice?! Magaling, magaling, magaling.
Lemon minions! Kung pwede lang, i-aachieve ko talaga!
Shot, shot, shot dali while the kids are sleeping!!!
Pwede din to, kaso magiging werid lang ang shape ng bewbies ko! 😉
So there, I’m sure napa-smile kayo. Being the optimistic person that I am, I’m used to life throwing lemons at me. But it was just recently that I connected my love for lemons (literally) to what I’m dealing with every day.
So now, when life throws me lemons, I make lemon water. 😉
Lemon water is a good way to cleanse. Better than just drinking good ol’ plain water. O ha, na-translate ko how I deal with my everyday challenges into a drink that can help me with my diet. Winnnnur!
I barely get to sit down and enjoy doing something, no matter how simple nor ordinary it is ‘coz I need to do things quickly and efficiently so that I can finish my tasks. But just for this day, I enjoyed my glass of lemon water.
Homemaking and motherhood can really get the best of me, drain my energy and suck the life out of me but at the same time, its the best thing that ever happened to me. I just needed to step back, look at my life from a different angle and do exactly as what the quote suggested.
Despite the clothes I need to fold, the food I need to cook, the furnitures that need dusting, my ideas, thoughts and stories I want to share on this blog. I stop. I sit, enjoy the view from our apartment’s veranda and just do nothing but sip and drink this lil’ feast I prepared for myself.
Every single day I’m at home, an episode of stress happens. I rant. I shout. Sometimes I cry. It’s not all fun and easy, and I get that stressing out is part of being a parent and being in charge of the home, especially for someone who is OC and wants everything done according to schedule. These little things that don’t even seem important to most people can mean a lot to a homemaker like me. It’s draining to think about all the things I must do, when I know at the end of every week, I need to think about them and do them all over again. Eeeep! More reason to hate Mondays no? Shet. But then again, I’m not a Monday hater because I treat it as a new week to make better choices, decisions and attitude. Keribells na din. Go!
My everyday quotable quote- “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.” Akshuli.
I’m adding this to my 2014 Project Focus to remind me that when life gives me lemons, I need to make lemon water!
Cheers to better days, hoping life realizes I like sweets and throws me chocolates instead! 😉
Happy hump day!
Awww, what an inspiring post Jackie! And quite funny too with the lemon memes, haha! 🙂 Good luck to us yaya-less moms! It’s written in the stars I guess.. I also grew up in a yaya-less home and did all the housework, hihi!
Hi Issa! Thank you for reading. Yes, it is written in our stars! So good luck to us 🙂