I am now on my 15th week of pregnancy. The good news is that my first trimester is over (hooray) which means I am less sensitive now and my pregnancy symptoms have almost come to a halt. Same with my pregnancy with G, as soon as I reached my second trimester my morning sickness, nausea and headache have diminished and my appetite is starting to get back on track.
Even though I am no newbie when it comes to pregnancy, I still get a little confused as to what week I’m in and what trimester my pregnancy is at. Right after the first trimester, I usually use the months more than the weeks to measure my pregnancy’s progress. Thankfully, I found a chart that can better explain my pregnancy’s duration in weeks, months and trimester.
So I am now on my second trimester, fourth month of pregnancy, 15 weeks pregnant. This stage of pregnancy for me is the most idle yet anticipated trimester, well at least that’s how I feel.
It feels very idle because during this duration, the belly grows and is in it’s alanganin (awkward) stage. Too early for maternity clothes too late for those tight clothes as they make you look like you’re just sporting your tummy after a sumptuous buffet meal. This for me is where I have a love and hate thing for pregnancy. I love it because I am still comfortable with my growing belly, bending and lying on my stomach are still doable. I hate it because I feel like I have to defend myself every time I go and use the disabled comfort room because my belly isn’t so obvious yet.
It is also in this trimester that I get to know the gender of my baby. Let me share you the dream I had the other night. I really want a baby boy and have a feeling I’m carrying one. So I had this dream that I gave birth with a breeze (just like doing number two, without much effort to push at all!) and I was just only on my fourth month and when the baby came out it was a baby girl! A baby girl that looked like she was four months old. Weird right? Not only that, I also dreamt that my milk supply was overflowing and that there wasn’t any problem with me breastfeeding. No engorgement, no sore, cracked nor inverted nipples, and my baby girl latched easily. As soon as I realized everything was running smooth and was just perfect I knew then and there that I was dreaming! I immediately tried wiggling my fingers just so I could wake up. Aaaah if only reality was as good as my dream. I told my husband about it and he was just smiling at the thought that everything was easy breezy. My breastfeeding moments with Gabbie was very hard and I admit I was a bit traumatized with it. I had read on even before I gave birth to G about breastfeeding and I thought I can do it at least a year, sadly my milk and I gave up after 3 months.
Now that I’m aware that there are a lot of mommies who are breastfeeding advocates who thoughtfully share their experiences & tips via blogging, I can confidently say that I will last longer this time around. As for my dream of having a baby girl, it made me want to have a baby boy even more. But hey, if in reality I’m really carrying a baby girl I really don’t mind as long as she’s healthy & of course cute then I’m all good. 😉
For now, all I can do is relax, eat and wear my pre-pregnancy clothes while I still can. Sorry for the lack of outfit update, I’ve yet to get my groove back & I’ve been wearing the same clothes for the past few weeks which I’ve already featured here on my blog. I promise to make an effort soon and by soon I mean in the next coming weeks so stay tuned!
Welcome second trimester, I know you’ll be good to me. Don’t worry, I promise to be a good pregnant lady as well *holds off wearing heels* at least until I have a go signal from my OB. 😀
I can’t believe I’ve only got five more months ’til I become a mother of two! Which reminds me, I’ve got five months to go to spend more quality time with my now only child, Gabbie.
Happy Weekend!
Happy Second Tri! 🙂