I admit I was hesitant to purchase an iPad. I had my hesitations because I’ve seen kids too enthralled with it that even on moments that matter, they seem to be drifted far away and too consumed tinkering with this hi-tech gadget.
Back when I was still pregnant with Gabbie, I promised myself I wouldn’t be one of those parents who would give in to buying an iPad and letting their kids play with it, I always say I’d let Gabbie enjoy toys and other traditional things suitable for her. I ate my words. When she was about a year and a half, I gave in and bought an iPad. My goal isn’t for her to use it but for my personal use, so I can check emails and blog easily when I’m out and about without toting with me my Macbook as I find it heavy & bulky.
Before you give me the evil eye and judge me as a bad parent, let me share with you all how the iPad has helped me and Gabbie.
She eats more when she’s focused into watching on her iPad more than when she’s just eating. She tends to stand up, get fidgety and doesn’t finish her food.
It was her ultimate pacifier (next to her then binky) when we were on our way to Singapore. The three-hour plane ride made her feel bored & contained, no thanks to the small space of the plane.
Not that she’s addicted but when she’s tired of running around, she’d ask for her iPad and watch episodes of Elmo’s World, Hi-5 and Spongebob Squarepants.
Now that she’s 2 years old and five months, I can say she’s learned a lot from her iPad. Here are some apps that I’ve downloaded that are very educational and useful for toddler use.
Crayola ColorStudio is an app that lets you color using the different virtual colors of Crayola, ranging from crayons, pentel pens, markers and colored pencils.
She loves drawing and coloring, she only uses this when we’re out somewhere and don’t have her crayons and colored pens with her.
Baby Bus App
Learn about the different kinds of fruits, vegetables, body parts with this app.
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn
Learn about animals and the sound they make.
iMommy App.
Create your own baby and take care of him/her by feeding, bathing, playing, changing nappies and putting him/her to sleep.
Abby The Train Driver
Recognizing objects by touching them.
Math Ages 3-5 App.
This is currently Gabbie’s favorite app. At age 2, she knows how to sort and match.
Learn how to cross the odd one out.
Learn to recognize colors and things.
Matching items has become a piece of cake for Gabbie.
Touch all the things that have the same color.
Preschool App.
Number sequencing and now she recognizes numbers easily.
You see more than the harmful effects studies have shown with regards to kids exposed to technology such as an iPad, I think it does Gabbie good more than harm. We try to limit her iPad-ing and she still likes other things and toys such as her books, her blocks, drawing and coloring on paper, shooting balls, pretend cooking, and running around. It doesn’t hinder her from socializing and from doing physical activities.
I think more than anything balancing TV time, iPad-ing, and play time is very crucial when raising a child. What you primarily expose them to can be an integral part of their lifestyle and personality. Gabbie’s generation is far more advanced than mine and my husband’s, I think we owe her the chance to expose her to things she might find interest in. After all, if she goes to school in a year or two she’ll be exposed to different things and technology as well.
Here are some links that may help you decide should you expose your kids to technology.
And I leave you with a video of a one year old tinkering with an iPad & a magazine.
[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”430″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/aXV-yaFmQNk?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=aXV-yaFmQNk&width=430&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep8262″ /]
What’s your take on technology & your kids? I’d love to hear them! 🙂
Happy Tuesday!
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Aww! This is cute. My baby girl is playing those fisher-price Laugh & Learn. At the age of 1, she can moves the puzzle pieces to their corresponding places to make a whole object. 🙂 She will dance to the songs. She counts. : ) iPad is sooo helpful nowadays.. Thanks for sharing.. I might download some of the apps you featured.
It is noh? I don’t really get it why others think its bad for kids, maybe when they’re older siguro around 5 and above when they tend to just play with iPad and nothing else. Hooray for your baby girl! 🙂