Hi blog.
It’s been over a month since I last posted here. While I usually do my annual birthday blog post, I didn’t this year but I managed to do a birthday post on my fave social media app. Aside from getting updated & posting on my Instagram, I’ve been busy offline. Busy doing what? Nothing extraordinary, just living life and being present.
The pandemic provided us a polarizing effect and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt it. One day I’m consumed with paranoia & anxiety going outside, the next day I am motivated to slow down & stay calm. I guess at some point I’ve found acceptance with how the world now that I can spend my energy on making the most of what the situation has to offer. Living here in Dubai has given me so much opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and I think I hadn’t been using it to my advantage. I struggled during the first few months to articulate how I was feeling. I think I was already languishing late last year even before languishing got coined as 2021’s word of the year. As my family and I eased into life here, it’s given me time to get to know myself more. Though my days were filled with homemaking & parenting, I’ve given equal attention to spouse time & time for myself.
Aside from doing what I do on the daily (chores, errands, school runs and everything else in between). I mindfully made time for myself. While I do like working out in the morning and have consider it a form of “me time”, I’ve been doing other things that genuinely make me happy & fulfilled such as journaling (my dreams, thoughts, ideas), nourishing my body (not just eating but actually choosing food that can optimize my body), and doing more quiet time and not feeling guilty about it. I’ve been so used to hustling and being busy multitasking that having some free time to do nothing used to annoy me and make me more upset hahahaha. I know this sounds so weird but pre-pandemic I’m so used to this fast-paced life that every hour should be blocked/filled with activities either for my kids or for my work.
This season of my life I’ve been more in tuned with myself. I’ve learned to listen to my body, follow my gut intuition and be a little bit more kinder to myself. Whether I skipped a workout or wasn’t able to cross off something on my to-do list, I’ve learned to be okay with it and to let go. It may sound so trivial but I used to give energy to these things that they somewhat consumed me. So while I may not be so active online, I’m happy to report that I’m doing well offline.

So for the past few weeks this is what I’ve been “busy” doing. Taking it one day at a time– doing chores, errands, doing school runs and everything else related to school (lunch box prep, ironing & washing school uniforms) preparing meals and keeping the house clean. And for the first time since the pandemic, I’m no longer having internal struggles as I let myself live in the moment.
I’m grateful we get to live this life here in Dubai, being able to go outside (with mask & social distancing of course). I’m grateful I’m back to waking up at 5 to prepare my kids’ lunch boxes and spend one weekend washing and ironing their school uniforms for the week ahead. Such trivial things that make me appreciate life more. I may not churn a lot of content like I used to but I’m happy where I am now and I appreciate those of you who still stick around to read/like what I post. Thanks for doing so and I’m just dropping by to say my writing mojo is back so I’ll be posting more often again.
Have a great Wednesday!
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