Over on my YouTube channel & Instagram, I get messages and requests to do a “day in my life” post because some of you have been wondering how I seem to get a lot of things done. Truth be told being six months helper-free has been challenging. Managing the home, taking care of the kids and everything else in between is all prioritizing.
Each day is different and fixing our schedules over the weekend is the first and foremost thing I do so I can figure out how our week would be like. So as promised, here’s a peek on what it’s like in a day for me. Also, I’ve answered some of the questions you guys threw at me over on my Instagram stories.
5 AM
I’m up early on weekdays to prepare my kids’ food for school.
I start the day by reading my daily devotion and meditating for five minutes to clear my head and to be able to focus on the things I need to do for the rest of the day.
After a few minutes of quiet time in the morning, I drink my first cup of coffee in between preparing my kids’ baon and waking them up to get ready for school.
“Can you share some lunch box ideas you prepare for your kids?”
I usually prepare pasta or fried rice for my kids’ lunch. These are not just easy to prepare but have become their favorites too! Here’s one of the lunches I usually prepare for my kids: fried rice (using Heirloom rice) with crispy fish. I mix their favorite veggies (chayote & carrots) in their fried rice so they get a balance meal.
8 AM
After my husband & I drop off our kids to their respective schools, he gets ready for work while I head to the gym to clock in my daily workout. Working out has become an integral part of my day and I consider it as my me time. Contrary to it draining me of energy, it actually makes me feel more energised after a good sweat session.
“What time do you workout and how long?”
I like working early in the morning & it’s usually right after school drop off. Depending on the workout set I do, I spend at least an hour (sometimes it extends to two hours if I’m gonna run 5k after weight training) at the gym doing. I don’t have a trailer but I rely heavily on Fitplan app. It’s where I get the different workout sets I do which you see me post on my Instagram stories.
10 AM
A trip to the bank or a quick grocery run are just some of the errands I do on a weekly basis. Sometimes if I get stuck in traffic I’d have to let go of some errands so I can make it in time at home before lunch.
“Do you drive? How do you manage your time?”
Yes I am the driver of my kids. I’m really a hands on mom & I’m the one who picks them up from school (again because we have no helper/yaya). Some days
I’ve accepted the fact that there will be some days that I won’t be able to finish everything on my to-do list or that my schedule for the day gets compromised and that’s alright. TrafSome days I just have to let go of the schedule I’ve prepared especially when I get caught up in traffic. If I have errands
11 AM
I get back home just in time for lunch. Two to three hours are dedicated to getting ready, sifting through some paper work (checking bills, checking circulars, and updating the calendar to name a few), finishing chores and enjoying lunch. These usually happen simultaneously or in between. Normally, I load the laundry while I eat lunch and answer emails.
While waiting for the laundry, I get ready! Heehee (I’ll do a GRWM video on my YouTube soon!)
Waking up at five in the morning is easy but staying alive, alert and awake throughout the day can be challenging. Halfway through the day and I already feel my energy dwindling down. Which is why after lunch I help myself with another cup of coffee and take Cecon® Plus Multivitamins.
“Can you recommend a supplement I can take daily?”
This is one of the questions I get asked over on my Instagram. There are many supplements out there but if I were to recommend one it would be Cecon® Plus.
Cecon® Plus is a multivitamin brand from Abbott Laboratories that’s optimally formulated to fight daily energy drain. Specifically, it has high levels of Vitamin C to strengthen immune system (super need in my life because I cannot afford to get sick as it would derail the daily schedule of my family), Vitamin B complex to help boost energy levels (helps me keep going throughout the day, I have enough energy until night time!), and Zinc to keep our minds sharp and alert (yes to being alive, alert, awake & enthusiastic! heehee).
1 PM
Recharged and ready to go. Aannnnd I’m off to pick up Juro from school.
Fight! Off to pick up my baby boy from school.
I always look forward to picking up this little guy from school. He has so many stories to tell me and each day is amusingly different. He’d do a recap on how his day went, from what happened in class to how he had fun playing with his friends during recess & play time.
We have about an hour and a half before we pick up his sister Gabbie and during this time I usually let him take a nap, do his homework or enjoy a quick snack.
3 PM
Round two of fetching and this time it’s my firstborn’s turn. Gabbie like her brother Juro loves talking about how her day went. We’d walk two block from school to our parking and this gives us enough time to catch up.
4 PM
By the time we get home I’d tell my kids to do their homework while I finish some chores that need tending to. But on days when there’s no homework nor chores to be done, we end up hanging out watching an episode or two of their favorite cartoons or just play.
Also, as much as I can I try to spend time with my kids individually. I think it’s important to spend time with each child because I learned it helps with their self-esteem plus it’s a great opportunity for us parents to show how we value them, listen to them and really know what they’re thinking and feeling.
“What motivates you to be fit and healthy?”
My kids are my motivation. I wasn’t as healthy nor fit when I was younger. In fact I used to have asthma which has prevented me to lead an active lifestyle growing up. Of course there are days when I do feel I’m at my best but these days only motivates me even more to get back on track.
I am not getting any younger and at the age of 33, I try to consciously make better choices. Eat better, get enough sleep, and exercise daily. These are just some of the things I try to do so I can be the best mom I can be for my kids. Because at the end of the day my kids think of me as a Supermom and I wanna live up to that image heehee.
6 PM
After I’ve cooked and we’ve eaten dinner (which is usually 6-7 in the evening), I wash the dishes while my husband gets the kids ready for bed. He’s in charge of giving them bath and tucking them in. It does help if you have a partner who splits the load of work with you. I’m thankful that my husband is as hands on as I am and even though he’s busy at work and gets home just in time for dinner, he makes sure he gets his share of spending time with out kids.
9- 10 PM
After attending to my kids and managing the home, we call it a day. My husband & I would catch up and align our schedules for the next day. If we’ve got enough energy to spare, we’d end up watching a movie via Netflix.
Sometimes thinking about what I need to do for the next day gets me feeling overwhelmed that I end up overthinking and stressing out. But I’ve come to accept that plans can change and each day is different and the best thing I can do is to take it one day at a time. I believe we are all Supermoms trying to juggle everything we can for our family. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, our kids will always think of us as a super mom because they know we’re doing our best to take care of the home and the family the best way we can.
Which is why it’s important to supplement the right way. And Cecon® Plus has been my (not so secret) armor in making sure I have strong immune system and enough energy to get me through the day. Again, at the end of the day I really wanna live up to my kids’ expectation of me, to be a super mom the best way I can. 😉
*in partnership with Cecon® Plus. All thoughts and opinion are mine*
Interesting. Did you ever have a day job while you were already a mom in the past? I mean, if you did, what made you decide to quit and be a stay at home mom. Also, you mentioned you start the day with a devotional – do you have a devotional book you could recommend? Thanks.
Hi Jazzy!
I didn’t have a 9-5 job but I used to do TV commercials which demanded longer hours. Honestly I’ve always wanted to be a hands on mom so I guess transitioning wasn’t as difficult for me. I use Daily Bible Verse and The Power of Positive Thinking. Both are devotional apps on my phone 🙂
Hi Jackie,
This is so inspiring. Was surprised that you don’t have a yaya. I salute you for that and for being a hands on mom.
Just like me, I am working mom.. I prepare my kids & nephew’s breakfast and baon for school.
And when I get home.. I spend time with my kids and my hubby.. Good thing that My hubby has prepared diinner for me. And I am really thankful for that.
And I guess, Being a mom.. we want to make suare that our surroundings are clean so after eating dinner I clean the toilet, wash the dishes and sweep the floor.
I am tired but really can’t sleep without doing those chores even if I worked 11 hours in a day in the office.
But on the other hand, thank you for sharing & its good to know that there are still moms like me who does not have a yaya at home.. 🙂 And can take care all the household chores inspite of being busy… Cheers to that 🙂
Hi Aims!
Thank you! I salute you too for being a working mom who manages to spend time with family & do chores even after a long day. Same tayo. Even though I’m super tired na but if I see the floor dirty, I’d clean it talaga before bedtime hahahuhu! ? Thankfully we have wonderful husbands who help us. You are inspiring super mom! ☺️
Hi Jackie,
Omg, you replied.! I am so happppyyy 🙂 You made my day. Thank you for replying and for the awesome comment.
Thank you so much for the wonderful words. It really means a lot to me. I am so touched. I really felt appreciated.
Hope to see you in person soon.
More power & Thank you 🙂
You’re welcome Aims! <3