It’s been a minute since I last wrote anything here on my blog. I’ve been pretty busy (for lack of better term) offline as I immerse myself in activities that cultivate joy while focusing on my health & wellness. My online presence has been, if anything trivial. While I still post primarily on my Instagram, I wasn’t putting much effort in creating content like I used to back in Manila pre-pandemic. I think it has something to do with me no longer putting pressure to be constantly present online after all, 2022 has been all about my finding my joy, being in the present moment and just living. Anyhow, we’re now three months into 2023. January felt like it was long even though the vacation days weren’t long enough while February was the opposite– it was so short its done before I know it. As hard as I try to find my word for 2023 as early as December of last year, no word really resonated with me. It wasn’t until I had brunch with a good friend a few weeks back that I finally found my word.
Ease, noun: absence of difficulty or effort.
verb: move carefully or gradually.

I am happy, I am healthy, I am safe, my life unfolds with ease.
I’ve been reciting this since I started meditating a few years ago. I picked this up from one of the guided meditations I do and it has been my go-to mantra ever since. I truly believe that at this point in my life I don’t need anything that feels forced or difficult. If so, I let it go for I know it was never meant for me. That is what at ease feels like, not the lack of effort but the presence of calm & peace. Since living here in Dubai, I’ve always felt like I should do something to make my mark here. To exceed what I’ve become as a lifestyle blogger in Manila. At times I wondered if just being present for my family is enough because I know I could do more, be more, after all I’ve done it for years right?? But the pandemic has shifted my perspective and mindset. How life truly is fleeting and precious. So I focused on being an expat wife and mom. I removed the guilt of not putting in effort in my ‘career’ as a blogger/content creator and it truly gave me peace.
This year I plan to continue feeling this way– to be at ease but at the same time I’d like to be more open for what’s out there for me. I know change is about to happen (like it always does) and while I used to get anxious and scared of the unknown (as a recovering perfectionist and meticulous Virgo), I know see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. For I know that what’s meant for me won’t miss me. Whatever 2023 brings, I know I am at ease for there won’t be difficulties in choosing what I need to prioritize and what I need to let go.
So here’s to 2023 (I know I’m three months late lol), may it give us lessons we need to learn and change to help us grow. May our life unfold with ease. What’s your 2023 word?
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