Life is simple. Life is complicated. Either way we look at life and the way we live it the fact remains that sometimes we get too caught up with it that it overwhelms us in a good or bad way.
We often times thank the universe every time something good happens to us, but more often than not we also tend to curse it every time we struggle and feel that life isn’t fair.
I recently stated on my Facebook and on Twitter that ‘happiness is indeed a choice’. With everything going on in our lives and how fast paced it could just be, I believe that at the end of the day no matter how tiring or how overwhelming our day was we could always choose to be happy.
So when I found out that Kimi Lu (whom I’ve occasionally bumped into on a few castings for TV commercials) is a life coach, I was intrigued and instantly followed her on Twitter. Then fast forward to few weeks after when I won a coupon from for one of Kimi’s services, I just knew I had to see her.
I had a Reiki session with Kimi last week. If you’re wondering what Reiki is all about, read the next paragraph for a simple explanation.
Reiki allows yourself to invigorate your mind, body and spirit, because it only means you allow yourself to fill your life with pure energy and bliss. Reiki (pronounced Ra-Key) is a Japanese method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force. The name Reiki literally means Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki works on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes in order to heal you in a blissful way.
I won’t really go into the technical side but instead you can check out the links at the end of this post to further give you a better understanding of this practice.
As soon as I entered Kimi’s office, I felt I was in a happy and safe place. She was inviting and exudes so much good vibes. She started by introducing Reiki to me and how it works. She told me that the Reiki process involves the Reiki healer (which is her) laying his/her hands over the receiver (which is me) without even touching. No, there were no chants, no voodoos, no instruments used and no, it is definitely not a religion. It is the use of the energy that the Reiki healer has harnessed (borrowed) from the Universe/higher being and is being put to use to help a person become balanced and find his/her inner peace.
First, she asked me how I felt and what positive feeling I want to feel. I told her, in general I am happy but there are times that homemaking and motherhood can get the best of me and that I wanted to feel relaxed.
Second, she explained to me what the chakras are and their purpose.
Lastly, I had to lie down, relax and just let go. Clear my head of any thoughts and envision myself in a place where I am happiest. I listened to an audio that had put me into trance while Kimi starts the Reiki process.
She then explained to me what chakra was being overactive/inactive that causes imbalance in my body. Well whadayaknow she was right. There is this one chakra that’s been overactive (or was it inactive) and that was my throat chakra. Too much talk or less talk? I think it’s both. It may sound confusing but it happens to me and in a lot of ways. You know how it is when you feel like you talk too much but then you feel like the message doesn’t get anywhere and you suddenly feel like you talk less? That’s what happens to me most of the time, it’s just not literally talking but communicating in general that’s my concern.
The outcome was just something I could not explain. I felt energized despite being relaxed the whole time. My body was null from any tension and my muscles decided to take a break, for that moment I felt I was powerful and recharged. Like a gadget that’s been initially charged for the first time, overflowing energy waiting to be breaked-in. I felt like I was floating along side feeling a tingling sensation of electricity from one body area to another (Kimi said it was the energy passing from her to me). It was beautiful. Too beautiful that there are no words to describe it. I have never felt that kind of relaxation and zen in my life, not even when I was practicing yoga nor while getting a message. It was a holistic feeling that my mind and my body decided to harmoniously rest for a few minutes after twenty six years of existence.
I was further more curious with what Reiki has to offer and was even more intrigued to know about the energy we emit. So Kimi explained that energy can be passed from one person to another. Like our energy is inside a bubble that others can easily pop. While at times you can absorb other’s energy, you can also have the power to hold in your own energy so that others can’t easily penetrate your bubble. If you guys believe in good vibes and bad vibes,then you’d get what I’m talking about. They’re relatively the same. Get it? energy=vibes. If you walk into a room or an area where you see nothing but good vibes, don’t you feel good as well? It even applies to social media, If you’re timeline on Facebook or Twitter are full of raves & positivity don’t you feel like tweeting positive things as well? That’s basically the principle I’m sharing with you all.
Now, for those of you who can clearly visualize and have a strong imagination, visualization can just work to your advantage. You can start being blisstified by visualizing yourself in your happy place. It can practically be anywhere you want to be. The visualization of imagining myself at the beach just relaxing, feeling the sand on my toes, the cold sea water on my hands and the heat of the sun on my skin was just the happy place I always envision myself to be in.
Kimi also taught me to breathe. Yes, I may seem calm, cool and collected but the OCness in me just keeps showing, there is no day that I don’t feel like I’m a headless chicken running around trying to complete all tasks, errands and chores all trying to accomplish them in a day that were meant to be finished over a week’s time. She told me that whatever time I feel most comfortable to breathe, I should take a minute of deep long breaths. I choose a minute before I sleep just when I’m about to close my eyes and go on a deep slumber. I tell you, it helps. It helps me see the good in things, to be more appreciative than to complain of the things I needed to do but instead be thankful that I have things to do.
Overall, it was an incredible experience. The feeling of knowing that you can actually experience bliss without having to do anything but to just let go is something I am now looking forward to. I cried tears of joy after my session with Kimi. It was something more than what happiness is. Truly it is beyond it and I believe it starts within ourselves. Now I feel more proactive to try and live life beyond what I do everyday, to do something, anything that can make my day to day life more bliss-tified.
Each person reacts differently, and I’m not saying Reiki can magically transform and heal you over night nor fully after you’ve had a session BUT what I can guarantee is that you can get to know yourself even more through it, your capabilities, your definition of happiness and even how you see life in general.
For more information you can check the following links for more information:
International Center for Reiki Healing
Reiki for Holistic Health
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Chakra Online Test
Reiki – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Get Bliss-tified!
You want to experience Reiki?
Kimi Lu is giving away 20 Reiki discount e-coupons, because sharing is indeed caring!
The mechanics are simple:
Simply write why you want to experience Reiki or what do you think about Reiki or anything about it that you want to say. Just remember to keep it positive. Don’t forget to include your full name and email address on your comment.
A person/commenter can only win once.
Regular price for one Reiki session is P1,800 or six sessions for P10,000.
The first 10 people to comment on this post get the P800 off e-coupon. (Pay only P1,000)
While the next 10 people to leave a comment on this post get the P300 off e-coupon. (Pay only P1,500)
E-coupons will be emailed to the winners as soon as I’ve read your comments.
The discount e-coupon is transferrable (share the bliss-tification to your loved ones!)
The discount e-coupons may be used until January 31, 2012.
This offer is available in the Philippines only.
You can also avail of the 2012 package that includes: 12 sessions of life coaching or other services of Kimi Lu + 1 free Reiki session for only P15,000(full payment only) and save P8,400 (original price is P23,400 for 13sessions)
Kimi Lu’s healing hours are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and by appointment only.
For more info visit
That’s all!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Interesting post. May try reiki, too.
A perfect way to spend my summer break. Sessions with Reiki.
Get Blisstified by @jackigo