Remember the intimate event two weeks ago that Xeleb hosted to officially launch one of their celebrity games Market Master Erwan? Now to end 2015 with a bang, they hosted another launch but this time, it was bigger and well, let’s just say poptastic.
Held at the Mind Museum, Sarah G Popsters was launched made for a total performer – complete with a stage and seats like it was a set of a variety show.
Feeling popstar at the mock stage with Sarah G. Hihi.
While waiting for the program to start, we helped ourselves by familiarising with the game.
This is Sarah G’s new way of connecting with her fans as she lets them follow her on a concert tour as Popsters unlock new Sarah songs as they level-up.
It’s also so cool to hear her voice as she cheers on, motivating you to finish with high scores!
Shortly after we were busy playing Sarah G Popsters, the real Sarah G went onstage.
I love how she brought so much energy in her performance. Everybody immediately busted out their cameras and mobile phones and couldn’t help but snap away. If you follow me on Snapchat, you’ve seen my snaps of her. Check the video I took, isn’t she amazing?!
[embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=cCTEhlObkYE&width=450&height=350&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3174″ /]
She really is a total performer!
With Sarah G Popsters, Xeleb (game developer) continues its aggressive roll-out of celebrity games. In five months, the company has already launched five games: Anne Galing with Anne Curtis, Adventures of Kuya Kim with Kim Atienza, Trip ni Belle with Isabelle Daza, and Market Master with Erwan Heussaff.
Go ahead and waste your time on Sarah G Popsters. It’s available for Android users for download on Google Play. Congratulations again Xeleb for another successful mobile game!
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