Last month, lil’ Ms. GJG was confined for almost a week in the hospital for an eye infection. What started as what seemed like a scratch mark on her right eye became swollen in just two days. The diagnosis: it was a bad case of sty. Which was weird because I had the same sty experience. Later on we learned that my kids, myself included, have bad skin reaction to insect bites and some products that have strong ingredients. Anyway, here are some photos from the incident that happened to my lil’ Ms. GJG. Hopefully, this post will serve as a reminder that big things come from small things that often time we neglect.
A red scratch mark on her right upper eyelid developed into a sty over night and eventually grew bigger in just a few days. Despite our efforts to apply topical eye cream and give her antibiotics, as per her doctor’s instructions, it got severely swollen. When the day came when she can no longer open her eye, we knew she had to be confined so we packed our bags and went straight to the hospital to have her admitted.
They gave her antibiotics on her first day and had her prepped for a minor surgery the next day. The only way to clear the sty was to have it extracted through surgery. Unlike us adults who can take a bit of pain, we can have the procedure done quickly as an outpatient. It was heartbreaking to think that my darling daughter had to go under to have the infection removed, but part of me wanted it over and done with so she can go back to being happy and active.
This was us a few minutes before entering the OR. She even said “Mom, take my picture so I can see my eye”. She was a very brave girl! The procedure took about thirty minutes and the doctors said it went by smoothly. They didn’t had to make any incisions as it ruptured by itself, so they just had to clean it to make sure it won’t reoccur.
My lil’ Ms. GJG at the recovery room knocked out after the procedure. So thankful to her angels for guiding her all throughout, thank you God for protecting her. I know it was just a minor procedure but you can’t help me be worried because its my baby girl!
The staff in the hospital said she’s the most chic patient on the 8th floor. I totally agree.
After a week, here’s my lil’ Ms. GJG on her way to recovery.
Her eye doctor said we had to patch her other eye, so that her right eye can regain the strength it lost from the days of it being closed and lazy. My lil’ princess pirate, eager to get better. After two weeks, we had to go back again so that the eye doctor can properly examine her eyes.
I have to say, this little girl is such a strong and brave patient! She, without any hesitation sat along with her friend Ernie, and waited for her doctor to examine her eyes. My lil’ Ms. GJG’s OOTD: Tank top and skirt from SM Kids Fashion, shoes from Yosi Samra.
After a few eye drops and trying on reading the letters, we learned that she has astigmatism and needs to wear glasses.
It’s not that she can’t really see, but she’s having a hard time focusing on things that are near as she is farsighted too. She was advised to wear glasses when she’s doing activities such as coloring, answering her workbooks, and even when she’s watching and using gadgets.
Being the supportive parent that I am, I had her choose the eyeglasses that she wants. After all, she’ll be wearing it and not me. Here’s our first photo together wearing glasses which I also posted on my Instagram.
A pretty picture of lil’ Ms. GJG wearing her glasses, a photo her dad took. Awww I’m not used to her wearing glasses but I’m glad that she sees better and only wears them when her eyes need an extra help.
It’s was one of those ordinary days when life will test you and will shake you up a bit to realize that the simple things in life are the ones that really matter. I captured this beautiful photo a few hours after lil’ Ms. GJG was out of surgery. Its definitely one of those incidents we’ll remember.
Aww she’s really brave and truly chic!thanks for sharing this wonderful story ☺
Hi. May I know where you bought that kind of eye patch? 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Rona!
We got it from the doctor’s clinic. 🙂