365 days. 52 weeks. 12 months. 1 year.
Here’s sort of another first.

We spent New Year’s Eve at home with my in laws. We played bingo, watched the countdown on National TV, and enjoyed the fireworks from our balcony & literally welcomed the year chillin’ over Netflix.

Holidaze. I know I’m not the only one who gets lost in all the celebration. I lost track of what day it was. Kinda confusing sometimes but I love how relaxed I was. Basically we spent our holiday eating out and malling!

I promised myself this year I’ll be really mindful in what I do and how I am as a mother to my children. So even though I still find it challenging to juggle chores & work, I’ll prioritize spending time–intently listen too–with my kids.

Another challenge over the holidays for me is to workout despite not waking up early. I sleep around 1-2 in the morning and wake up around 9-10. It gives me just enough time to tidy up the house & prepare brunch. But late mornings didn’t stop me to stay focused. Because I love eating &I truly did indulge over the holidays, I know I had to clock in a good sweat–I mostly did home workouts–after all, balance is the key.

The last remaining days of the holiday, I prepared my usual healthy meals to prepare my gut back to clean eating. Here’s my usual plate composed of Adlai, quinoa, edamame, egg, avocado & chicken teriyaki.

Spent the first Saturday enjoying the outdoors. I told my kids we’d do more outdoor time since they love to scooter. This is exactly what we did.

Woke up at 3 AM to run my first ever 10k for the year. It was too colourful, literally, not to enjoy. Heehee.

My constant enabler when it comes to all things fitness. Thanks Pinoy Fitness aka Jeff Lo for dragging me out to bed on a Sunday!

First Sunday of 2019 spent doing my first 10k of the year. So glad I was able to finish the race with just three hours of sleep. Waking up early on a Sunday was well worth it because it has helped me kick start pushing myself to do things I know I want but sometimes have no courage or will to do. 2019 is off to a good start and I’m so glad I have a positive mindset to start the year right.
Here’s to gain more confidence & courage this year!
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