I’ve become one of those moms who couldn’t resist wearing the same outfit as their daughter. I know I’ve said before that matchy-matchy wasn’t my thing since I want my daughter to develop her own personal style early on. But I find my lil’ Ms. JG excited every time we wear the same thing. She would, at times, insist I change so I can level up (or is it literally level down?) to her style. Buti na lang she has this carefree and fun attitude towards dressing up. So why would I resist something that keeps us more closer than ever di ba? With this, twinsies forever!!! Heehee.
My heart melts whenever this lil’ girl insist we wear the same thing. I am so taking advantage of this stage in her life while she loves hanging out & be matchy-matchy with me!
Browsing through hundreds of photos I have of her, a year passed by and she’s grown a little taller and a little wiser. I cannot believe you’re six today!
You are growing way too fast my baby girl! For me, you’re still 5 years old! Time freeze, space warp! Ngayon na! Huhuhuhu.
I know you’ll read this when you’re a little older. So allow me to put out here my wish even though I already whispered it to you this morning.
I wish you find goodness in everyone and be the reason for someone else’s smile. For you to have courage to do the things that would make you a better person no matter how challenging they can be and for you to be kind to everyone no matter how difficult they can be. And of course, good health always for you my darling!
Mas ma-emote at on point ang blogger pose ng batang to kesa sa akin.
I’m so lucky to be the mom of this lil’ lady!
Back to the details of this OOTD, we’re currently loving our tuxedo-inspired top.
It’s so comfy, I can run around and even do cartwheel wearing it!- Lil’ Ms. JG. Spoken like a person who never ever forgets to inject comfort with style.
Another comfy thing to wear is this lovely smelling, pair of sparkly shoes.
A full day running errands, walking around the mall and attending a birthday party was a breeze all because I was wearing this outfit. White top + denim bottom + ballet flats = comfy chic.
Can’t really go wrong with white no?
Currently my go-to shoes for when I just want to feel extra comfy and chic.
Thanks Design Studio Salon for my lovely hair color!
Happy birthday again my lil’ miss!
I’ll be your twin forever! But since you and your Tita look more alike, I am willing to be your best friend forever!!! *insert secret handshake HERE*
on lil’ Ms. JG: top, TUX Femme| bottom, H&M| shoes: Melissa
on me: top, TUX Femme| bottom, MEMO| shoes: Melissa
super love. Vern and Verniece must be on the look out for this twinning duo haha. kidding. but I love your twinning mommy and daughter styles. They’re fun and comfy. Very realistic for everyday activities.
Hihi. Thanks Valentine!
Hi Jackie! You both look adorable. I find it fun to see mommies dressed like their daughters. You’re right. If that creates a stronger bond between you two, then why not? After all, her happiness is your happiness. =)
Thank you Heart!