As you all know by now, I’m a proponent of health and wellness. While it’s easy for me to stick to a routine on weekdays, I used to find myself struggling on weekends. This gave me a polarizing feeling which always leaves me cramming to get back on track come Monday. Not wanting to feel the anxiety of Smonday, I decided to start my weekend wellness ritual and it have to stay it has made me look forward to start a fresh new week.
The idea of creating a weekend wellness ritual can sound so daunting but it’s actually quite fun as you get to learn more about yourself along the way. So I’m sharing with you some tips to help you kickstart your own weekend wellness ritual so you’ll feel relaxed and at the same time energized for the coming week.

Go to bed and wake up the same time
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with staying in bed and sleeping in, having regular sleep and wake time is ideal for your circadian rhythm which in turn help you manage stress levels.

Soak in the morning sun
I used to not be a morning person but ever since having kids all that has changed. Nothing like waking up to the warm light and sunshine touching your face for that instant mood booster.

Write things you’re grateful for
I find that journaling is such a lovely tool to cultivate more joy in your life.You can start writing down one thing you’re grateful for. It doesn’t have to be grand it can literally be about anything that you appreciate in your life. Not a fan of writing? You can record a voice note to express what you’re grateful for– you can even share it with a gratitude buddy if you’re up for it.

Meditate for a minute
Weekends are days when you don’t have to think about work & home life but we end up doing anyway because of the endless things we need to cross off our to-do list. This is where meditation can come in handy. While meditation can be challenging for most of us, taking one deep breath could be a great start. Start with one long breath in and one long breath out. Then work your way to two, three, four, five breaths and so on. Soon you’ll find yourself focusing on your breath and being able to meditate for a minute.

Get moving
Whether you’re a seasoned gym goer or a fitness noob, getting some form of movement on weekends will do you good. Go for feel good activities like stretching, yoga or Pilates. If weekends are your rest day maybe go for a walk around your neighborhood instead. Got errands you need to run? Your trip to grocery or drying cleaning counts as movement too!

Go offline
I’ve recently included taking a social media break as part of my weekend wellness ritual. It’s amazing how it gives mental clarity and lets you be more present for your loved ones.

Do one thing that gives you joy
It could be anything that genuinely brings you joy. Read a book, get a massage, watch a movie, have breakfast date with yourself. Anything that gives you joy.

Engage your senses
There are many ways in which you can engage your senses. But one of the ways I do it is to use products that would enhance my mood and ignite joy. This I got to experience with Sodashi Arabian Oud collection.

Fun fact: Oud (Agardwood) essential oil has the profound ability to release stored emotions. It deeply calms and soothes the nervous system, making it the perfect tonic for tiredness and stress. Oud is sometimes referred to as ‘liquid gold’ as its value often estimated as one-and-a-half times the value of gold. Oud is known to be a highly effective aid for meditation, it has the ability to enhance mental clarity.

Know more about Sodashi Arabian Oud Collection
A closer look at my weekend wellness routine featuring Sodashi Arabian Oud products
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