As a woman I know how it feels when it’s the time of the month again wherein I feel ugly. For the guys, yes there is such a thing! Please be sensitive about it, it’s not that we’re just being girls but it’s part of who we are. So before that moment happens this month, I decided to share with you what I’ve observed: the top three problem areas of women (this is in no particular order)
I admit I am one of those girls who are what we call “pusunin” (bloated belly) thanks to my mom whom I’ve inherited it from (love you Ma!) I just hope G won’t get it from me too 🙁 so being just that is enough of a challenge. No matter how thin I was my belly would always protrude, so anything low waist never looks good on me. I know I’m not the only one obsessing about it, tried working it out somehow it managed to stay “tucked” but whenever I get my monthly visits the belly’s always determined to say”hi!”
The remedy:
If you have enough moolah to spend then you can always opt for the easy way: treatments such as RF (radio frequency) liposuction, tummy tuck and all the other belly tightening treatment there is. My take on it, as long as you’re 100% sure about it then go ahead.
Then again there’s another way: working out. If you’re an active person then this would be a breeze. I though must admit that I am not much of a fan, I’d rather be silly & play with G than go back to the gym plus the fact that I suffer from vertigo is another (bad) excuse to not workout. Try cheating or incorporating “workouts” while at home or at work. Leg raises alway does the trick (whether seated or lying down).
BUT. If you’re like me (busy, not physically fit, or just plain lazy) then I suggest this last option: hide it. Wear outfits that best enhance your other feature, I know it sucks that you can’t wear a low-rise jeans of wear mid-ribs but hey, you have asset to show right? But if you really insist on doing so then you’ve got to arm yourself with a Spanx. To avoid being bloated & looking bloated, try to consume 8 or more glasses of water (your body will retain more water if you drink less fluids) everyday.

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I know someone who has suffered enough when it comes to her armpits, it has bothered her for a long time up until eventually she couldn’t care less. For many, this is their major problem area mainly for two reasons: unwanted hair & darkening of skin. The shaving, the plucking and the waxing can all contribute to dark underarms but genetics can also be a cause. I don’t even remember when was it that I had my first encounter with a shaver, all I know is that having hair out there in this particular area is not appropriate for girls. You can’t blame me, after all I am really hairy (spell, balbon! pinaglihi ata ako sa balut! heehee) I really didn’t mind at first all the hassle of shaving, plucking and waxing but when I got pregnant it was a whole new different story. My underarms were darker and line creases were super red & visible. People thought I’d have a baby boy (there’s a saying in Filipino, that if a pregnant woman develops dark underarms & nape her baby’s definitely a boy) but that’s not true AT ALL. According to my doctor, it’s all the hormones’ fault. (Sorry, the hormones had their fair share of blame for 9 months)
The remedy:
Seek a dermatologist. It’s best if you start early, before you plan on shaving,waxing or plucking your underarms ask your derma on what best treatment there is for your underarms. Deodorant also plays a vital role, the mixture of chemicals with your sweat on your skin can sometimes do more harm than good. I know someone who doesn’t use any deodorant because her skin’s allergic to it and a special cream is given to her by her derma.
There are a lot of spa/ facial centers that offer underarm whitening treatment, frequency of treatment may vary depending on your skin type. Now if you plan on having the hair (on your armpits) removed via laser seek help first, you might be allergic to it & may cause severe damage than good. And for uncontrollable sweat especially in this heat we’re in, Driclor® is your best bet! (yes, I’ve tried & tested this product costs around P300+) You can buy it in your local drugstore (but again, seek professional help first)
If you’re pregnant & experiencing dark underarms don’t get any treatment during your pregnancy, wait after. Until then you can always blame your hormones 😉

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The legs play a vital role on women when it comes to dressing up. I’ve always complained that I don’t have a girly pair of legs, like that of Bianca Gonzales whom I’ve read before have insecurities with her legs as well (but both her & I have accepted our insecurity) and used it to our advantage. Just like underarms, women are concerned with two things when it comes to their legs: be hair-free & be vein-free.
Sadly, I have both 🙁 I’ve learned to accept the first part (given that I’m hairy) and that shaving & waxing would forever be part of my beauty routine, not unless I save up for a laser hair removal. But the latter part, I’m still in the process of absorbing. I know my veins are visible even when I was young. I remember asking my mom why there’s green, bluish lines on my face (cheeks) that’s when I learned I am vain vein-y LOL (hereditary). But I was thankful then that I didn’t have any on my legs. Up until after I gave birth have I been spotting one or two veins popping out. Whuuut? That’s what I thought.
The remedy:
Veins pop out mainly because there’s a problem with the leg circulation. Being stationary for long hours can cause varicose veins whether siting or standing, wearing heels or not. Since I sit in front of my computer for at least 3 hours a day, I decided to put up my legs on the opposite chair while working. If you’re out the whole day then raising your legs on a wall (while lying down) higher than your head for 15 minutes. It can help relax your legs & improve circulation. Sometimes, cramps also take a toll on me. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night screaming coz of it, I’ve even experienced cramps while driving 🙁 so I try to drink more water to help alleviate cramps (a banana a day could also work) If these don’t work for you and the pain is intolerable then seek advice from your doctor.
Women can be vain, yes it’s true but sometimes it’s just our way of feeling good about ourselves so that we can be more efficient and hopefully serves as an inspiration to others. Whatever problem area you have, it’s about time you deal with it and think of solutions that works best for you. If all else fails, you can always focus on your assets instead right? 😉
After giving birth, it’s hard to lose that post partum tummy. It’s not very pleasant to look at and I sometimes wonder will I ever get back what I used to have? I’m pretty lazy when it comes to exercise so I just have to save up to be ultra rich or just try my luck at winning the lotto! =)
unfortunately i have problems on all those areas. there are times that i don’t mind at all but there are times that i am so worried about them. what to do? but good thing we have husbands who don’t mind our imperfections, yeah? 🙂
exactly! 🙂