Today is the last day of 2012. Wow, time really comes by so fast if you’re too preoccupied worrying and thinking about tomorrow you end up missing what’s happening today. Yes, I am being all sentimental just like most people especially when another year is about to end. The Year of the Dragon has been really nice to me and my family.
Year 2011 ended with a bang as I had a sty over the holidays and we had it removed all the way from Singapore. It ended with a bang due to the emergency procedure that had cost us our shopping spree budget. Kabooom indeed but thankfully my eye was fine, since then I am very cautious when it comes to scratching and poking my eyes. I could’ve bought a designer bag with the money! Health indeed is wealth people! 😉 As bad as 2011 ended, there was good news waiting for us when we came back from our holiday trip. We learned we were pregnant and was expecting a dragon baby boy! This year was all about my pregnancy, adjustments and preparation in welcoming the newest addition to our family.
They say when you’re pregnant, you’re lucky. It holds true for me. I’ve won a few contests here and there but the most unforgettable one was a contest where I together with lil’ Ms. GJG showed off our cooking skills.
You’ve met my lil’ gwapito mid of 2012.

First day of school
The year where my first born lil’ Ms. GJG started school at 2 years and 8 months old and is part of a junior toddler class.
It was also the year that my blog has bloomed. Where I chanced upon opportunities to work with brands that I truly like and patronize. You all are witnesses as to how much my blog has improved and has become a brand that I am proud to call my own.
A year full of meeting interesting people and gaining new friends. The year when Go! Jackie Go became part of Mommy Mundo’s SoMoms.
2012 has been generally good to me. I have learned to be happier despite being a bit more paranoid. I have increased my tolerance for pain thanks to breastfeeding, slowly understanding & incorporating progressive parenting, and have learned to be a wise-spender.
I have realized that no matter what, family is the most important thing in the world. With what happened to my Dad last month (he had a mild stroke, thankfully he’s okay now) it made me realized that things can happen unexpectedly, things that can shake and test us and that we must waste no time in showing and telling someone we love them. Despite the incident that scared me and gave me sleepless nights, I am beyond grateful to God for hearing our prayers. Still we are blessed.
I am thankful for the wonderful year that has passed. It isn’t perfect as it has presented me with my fair share of mishaps and trials that have tested my faith and my patience, which have molded me to become better, wiser and stronger. Thank you 2012. I will bid you goodbye with a smile on my face and a grateful heart. As I welcome 2013, I wish and pray for my family’s safety and well-being. Good health above everything else and that we may grow as individuals inspiring each other to become the best that we can be, collectively perfect for each other as a family. I hope to share more stories, be more of an inspiration and spread good vibes with you all for coming new year. I pray for more patience, guidance and peace for my family and for all of you. Blessings will definitely come as what they always do every year. As for my New Year’s resolution: Live in the NOW.
I’m currently reading a book called The Happiness Project. My goal is to start my own happiness project by 2013. I can’t wait to share with you all the progress I’ll be making along the way. As you all know, I am all for positive good vibes and being happy is its foundation.
Cheers to another new year!
Hello Water Snake 2013!
I’m ready for you so please be nice!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy new yeaaaar! Have a great 2013. Congrats to you and your blog!
Thank you! Happy New Year too Anjj! 🙂