My first post for the year 2013. As far as I can remember, I’ve never written a post for the first day of a new year. That is because for the past two years we were in Singapore so this is definitely a first. I tried to blog earlier today but the GJGs were too tired ushering the new year at our home which is also a first.
We decided to stay in last night because our in-laws were out of the country and we were left behind heehee but more than that we wanted to have a steady night at home because we didn’t want to parade lil’ Mr. GJG outside where it’s foggy and smokey. (Smokey Manaloto! The inner becky in me said that LOL). Usually we’d go somewhere where there’s a countdown. When Mr. GJG & I were newlyweds our first NYE together as husband & wife was at Disneyland in HongKong, our second was when I was pregnant with lil’ Ms. GJG we spent at SM MOA, our third and fourth in Marina Bay Sands and in Clark Quay both in Singapore. So it’s quite refreshing to just stay at home and avoid the crowd. We heard mass, cooked dinner and watched Looper (which I think is not a good time to watch on NYE) while simultaneously watched the fireworks from our veranda. It was the simplest yet most meaningful way we had ever welcomed a new year, so I took the liberty to document it and share with you all a few photos from our intimate celebration.
Dinner is served. Home-cooked meal is always comforting.
Appetizer: Chips and three kinds of dips.
Tostitos Lime Chips
Cheeze Wiz, Tostitos Salsa & Spinach dips.
Herb Garlic Shrimp Spinach Pasta.
Minute Steak.
Because we weren’t able to buy those decent toasted bread and cold cuts, we opted to go for what were readily available: Jacob’s crackers and Chinese ham heehee. Our three cheeses were: Emmental, Spanish Manchego and Gruyere.
For dessert I made Mango Float.
Happy New Year from The GJGs
Here are some photos of the fireworks I’ve captured with my G12. The photos didn’t do justice as the actual fireworks were really beautiful. Wow, our neighbors and the neighboring cities really welcomed the new year with a bang. The sky lit up as early as nine o’clock in the evening.
My favorite shot
Love that there were lots of images the fireworks formed as I try and capture them.
To end this post here’s my darling lil’ Ms. GJG wearing her Santa’s Little Helper jammies. She was sleepy but the constant kaboom kept her awake so she watched the fireworks with us while her baby brother was sound asleep despite the noise, weird I know!
Cheers to 2013! Here’s to new beginnings and a year full of learnings!
Happy New Year!
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