Freshness is one thing we all want to achieve. That's why we take a bath everyday, we groom ourselves and of course we brush our teeth regularly. I really think oral care is a topic that has not been touched on frequently compared to skin care and the like. I say this because I've had my fair share ... READ the POST
Search Results for: colgate
Happy 90 Years Colgate Philippines
Colgate is a brand synonymous to toothpaste. It has become a household name that most Filipinos refer to toothpaste as Colgate. Growing up with the brand I recall it's the TV commercial that uses sea shells to demonstrate Colgate's power to protect one's teeth. So much recall ... READ the POST
Cavity Free Future With Colgate
We've always associated sweets and sugar with cavities. While this true, it is also a common misconception. Did you know that there is such a thing as sugar acids that causes cavities? For the healthy eaters out there (hi!) don't be too quick to defend your diet- even healthy food such as fruits ... READ the POST
Colgate Optic White Lets You Capture Your Dream Wedding
This year, Mr. GJG & I will celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. It's weird that I remember planning our wedding like it was just yesterday. I was still in my last term in college while I was planning my wedding. It was stressful because I have to juggle both. After school, I'd meet up with a ... READ the POST
Colgate Oral Health Month Aims For Zero Cavities
It's alarming to know that 9 out of 10 Filipino kids suffer from cavities. Cavities are tiny holes in teeth caused by bacteria, which when left unchecked, decay teeth. Sadly, Gabbie is part of the statistics as she has milk cavities. She likes brushing her teeth, but she still drinks milk at night ... READ the POST
Trick or Teeth
Aaaah Halloween! It's that time of the year when it's legit to scare other people and dress up your kids in fancy costumes–of either cute lil' pumpkins and fairies or scary zombies and monsters. Not that I'm the grinch of Halloween, I have a love-hate relationship with it because: A I love seeing my ... READ the POST